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frals 2009-09-27 17:19

[In development] Brainstorm: MMS Support
I just posted a Brainstorm Idea for adding MMS Support.

Please use this thread for discussion about possible implementation options and the like and post any good solutions to the brainstorm. :)


frals 2009-09-27 18:18

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support
What I've found so far is two different MMSlibs, one in PHP and one in Java.



The java option relies on a jWap class as well:

For testing, there's a free, open source MMS gateway downloadable at

I haven't had time to go through the sources and see what's really there yet, but it's a start.

allnameswereout 2009-09-27 19:56

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support
MMS Decoder (PHP)
Messaging-MIDP (Java SE/Java ME)
MMSdec (C) <=- the one I'll try

yerga 2009-09-27 20:20

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support

nMIK-3 2009-09-28 00:40

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support
Nokia needs to release a Maemo 5 patch with natively MMS support as soon as possible.

frals 2009-09-28 06:12

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support
EDIT: Would also need to know what the N900 does with incoming MMS, i.e. discards it since its invalid as an SMS or not. Couldn't find any documentation on this.

EDIT2: I misread, awesome! ;)

frals 2009-09-28 09:28

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support
Some discussion on IRC about it:

chemist 2009-09-28 11:14

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support

Originally Posted by nMIK-3 (Post 334937)
Nokia needs to release a Maemo 5 patch with natively MMS support as soon as possible.

ASAP? I still know a lot of guys who never used it and never will (/me included). BTW you are in wrong topic this is brainstorm...

RipTorn 2009-09-28 11:22

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support

Originally Posted by frals (Post 335083)
Would also need to know what the N900 does with incoming MMS, i.e. discards it since its invalid as an SMS or not. Couldn't find any documentation on this.

Don't most network providers accommodate for this?

I know Vodafone in Australia and a few others in Asia would detect that you didn't have an MMS phone and sms you the details on how to download the image from their website.

Again I can only speculate from my limited need and use of MMS in different 3 Country's.

frals 2009-09-28 11:31

Re: Brainstorm: MMS Support
Yeah, that's how it works here as well (in .se).

What I really was thinking about when I wrote that (I think) was how to grab the incoming MMS request from the phonestack, and if the code for that is open enough for the community to modify it

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