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shin 2009-10-02 10:44

KeyHole TV for Maemo/ N810 - Any pointers pls..
hello everyone

This may be of specific interest to those folks, who would like to watch live Japanese TV online ( and also listen to live radio programs). Target interest group would also include people learning Japanese.

KeyHoleTV http:// you do this.

Looks like it is based on P2P technology and is a project by Japan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs! They seem to have versions for Windows, Mac, WinMobile and also Linux( also available for Ubuntu flavor).

I was wondering what it would take to have this ported to Maemo and have this playable on my N810.. I am not good with Linux and I am looking for some help with some one who has similar interests.. :D
To start with this appears to be closed source and I have already left a msg with the V2P ( the company who has developed this)

Even if this is not immediately portable to N810,I hope this msg is useful for some of the Japanophiles out there.

I would like to have it on my N810 to be able to listen to the live radio(FM/AM) broadcasts in Japan. I guess it would be really cool.

- Shin

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