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colourblind 2009-10-08 17:52

Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?
Hey guys,

will nokia be adding 'msn' as one of the 'IM chats'?

I only use msn.. and google talk, ovi talk is as no use for me as none of my friends use it. we communicate via MSN Live messenger only.

I know that n900 is not being able to support MMS.. it sucks, i guess no such thing as a perfect device afterall. are there any plans to be support MMS in the future without having to buy a N910 + ?

i cant wait !

toratoko 2009-10-08 18:05

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?

mobiledivide 2009-10-08 18:05

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?
MSN, not out of the box but very soon after launch (maybe even after this weekend?) there will be a couple of different plug ins to support MSN chat.
I think its safe to say that at some point MMS will be available, there is simply too much interest in it for someone not to do something about it.

Edit: read the thread posted above :)

colourblind 2009-10-08 18:35

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?
so will MSN be integrated into the "Conversations" or will it be a seperate program?

Alex Atkin UK 2009-10-08 18:41

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?
Its totally integrated.

zerojay 2009-10-08 19:00

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?

Originally Posted by colourblind (Post 342004)
so will MSN be integrated into the "Conversations" or will it be a seperate program?

It is completely integrated into Conversations in every way possible. Even comes with nice big protocol icons. :)

zkyevolved 2009-10-08 19:11

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?
Can't wait :D

colourblind 2009-10-08 19:27

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?
this is great news. i was so scared that we'd have to download some applications to access MSN.. but dont u think windows would do something to block this since its linux?

mobiledivide 2009-10-08 19:31

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?
There are many 3rd party applications that can communicate with the MSN protocol on windows/macosx and linux, MS is probably happy that people use its protocol rather than gchat/yahoo or aim. MS even produce a native MSN/Hotmail client for Symbian even though they have windows mobile.

colourblind 2009-10-08 19:37

Re: Does n900 Supports MSN Messenger?
what about MMS support? do u think it will come soon?

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