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mannen 2009-10-13 18:35

Download files with maemo/n900
A little dissapointed that the N900 doesnt seem to play flash videos for example ustream and youtube without jerking im still pretty intresting in this device. Is there a youtube app for Maemo?

Now over to the real question

I wanna ask if it possible for example to download an mp3 file with the phone from the internet from lets say Zshare and then be able to play it in the N900 media player, without hooking it up to a computer? Im remember that i have even read somewhere that there is a torrent client for Maemo so im guessing there is no problem?


zerojay 2009-10-13 18:38

Re: Download files with maemo/n900

Originally Posted by mannen (Post 345612)
A little dissapointed that the N900 doesnt seem to play flash videos for example ustream and youtube without jerking im still pretty intresting in this device. Is there a youtube app for Maemo?

Now over to the real question

I wanna ask if it possible for example to download an mp3 file with the phone from the internet from lets say Zshare and then be able to play it in the N900 media player, without hooking it up to a computer? Im remember that i have even read somewhere that there is a torrent client for Maemo so im guessing there is no problem?


The Youtube app you're looking for is called MyTube.

Also, yes, as long as you have unrar/unzip installed, you should be able to download whatever you want with the torrent client (Transmission).

Rushmore 2009-10-13 19:44

Re: Download files with maemo/n900
Why would N900 have problems with streaming vids? The device is more powerful than the G1 and it plays Youtube and Jetflicks very well. So good in fact it is like play a good quality MP4.

If Youtube is playing standard def, it can not be the common excuse that the N900 is playing back at 800X480. The N900 has hardware acceleration, so this should not be an issue with standard def content.

Almost everytime someone points out a sluggish video response from the N900, people keep bringing the high res screen up as an excuse. Why have it if it will not play back smoothly?

Rhetorical, but does have at least some (kind of) point.

Spudboy 2009-10-13 19:54

Re: Download files with maemo/n900
Wasn't the main cause of the youtube sluggishness at the start of videos because it was still loading everything else on the page?

As soon as you go full screen it's great.

Rushmore 2009-10-13 19:58

Re: Download files with maemo/n900

Originally Posted by Spudboy (Post 345681)
Wasn't the main cause of the youtube sluggishness at the start of videos because it was still loading everything else on the page?

As soon as you go full screen it's great.

Good call Spudboy- makes sense to me :) The G1 plays streaming content very well with less specs and ZERO acceleration, so N900 should be even better :)

Bratag 2009-10-13 22:40

Re: Download files with maemo/n900
Saw a video recently (which of course I can't find now). Showed the n900 playing a youtube clip of a soccer match. Was being pushed out to tv and could easily have been mistaken for live tv. I dont think stuttering is going to be an issue.

NicolasF 2009-10-14 04:46

Re: Download files with maemo/n900

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 345816)
Saw a video recently (which of course I can't find now). Showed the n900 playing a youtube clip of a soccer match. Was being pushed out to tv and could easily have been mistaken for live tv. I dont think stuttering is going to be an issue.

You probably mean this video:

And thanks, because I've just seen it because you said something about a video like this :).

Doesn't seem as sluggish as I though it was on other videos. Maybe there is hope :).

Kwincy 2009-10-19 16:53

Re: Download files with maemo/n900
Torrents and video playback Nokia N900:

Looking forward to this phone each and everyday!

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