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biggzy 2009-10-18 14:54

What if i kill it?
Hi guys just a few questions.

If i kill my N900 (when i get it) is there a program for windows XP to flash dead maemo devices and bring it back to life?

I presume new firmware will be OTA but will we be able to use the nokia software updater also to do a software update?.

Thanx all. ;)


NvyUs 2009-10-18 15:02

Re: What if i kill it?
i read last week Nokia Software Updater was being updated this week to support N900, it was posted on nokia supports forums by a Nokia Employee.
i'm having trouble finding the thread now but i'll keep looking so i can link you

edit: ok heres the thread where he states new NSU version supports N900

bemymonkey 2009-10-18 16:49

Re: What if i kill it?
Hmmm, how exactly were you planning on killing the N900? Or were you planning to flash some other OS on there anyway?

mullf 2009-10-18 17:20

Re: What if i kill it?

Originally Posted by biggzy (Post 350343)
What if i kill it?

You'll be charged with maemurder.

biggzy 2009-10-18 17:41

Re: What if i kill it?
From what iv read its easy to damage the OS on a maemo device if i mess with stuff etc in root?
from what i know nsu cant flash a dead device, or is that just with s60 devices?


Bundyo 2009-10-18 17:51

Re: What if i kill it?
There's no dead Maemo device (unless you damage the bootloader). You should always be able to flash it anew (the current state of the OS doesn't matter).

biggzy 2009-10-18 18:02

Re: What if i kill it?

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 350455)
There's no dead Maemo device (unless you damage the bootloader). You should always be able to flash it anew (the current state of the OS doesn't matter).

thanx for the answer ;)

schnebeck 2009-10-18 18:05

Re: What if i kill it?

Originally Posted by biggzy (Post 350452)
From what iv read its easy to damage the OS on a maemo device if i mess with stuff etc in root?

Its easy to damage the OS if you mess as root in /etc ;-)

ossipena 2009-10-19 09:38

Re: What if i kill it?

Originally Posted by biggzy (Post 350452)
From what iv read its easy to damage the OS on a maemo device if i mess with stuff etc in root?
from what i know nsu cant flash a dead device, or is that just with s60 devices?


imagine the power of 8 characters:

rm -rf /


hope somebody else has also time for this wiki entry:

Andre Klapper 2009-10-19 10:14

Re: What if i kill it?

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 351044)
hope somebody else has also time for this wiki entry:

Uargh. Please do not create empty "This site is under construction" pages. This is the internet of the 90es that I definitely don't want back.
Create a page if you already have content.

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