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lcuk 2009-10-21 02:23

summit n900 recipients, report in
who got a device at the summit from the 300?

people in tmo?
people who watch from the mailing lists?
irc users?
wiki people?
non community members?

whats the best things about the device you have discovered so far?

note, positive aspects only please lets see whats right about the devices

lcuk 2009-10-21 16:25

Re: summit n900 recipients, report in
mmm does this mean no1 has the device?

I like the conversations ui best, tracy and I talk much more now :)

Texrat 2009-10-21 16:31

Re: summit n900 recipients, report in
I am liking:

-haptic feedback
-multiple desktops

lcuk 2009-10-21 16:57

Re: summit n900 recipients, report in
from timeless in irc:

<timeless_mbp> lcuk: the browser is really the best portable browser i've ever used
<timeless_mbp> and it really isn't because it's something i work on, it really is great

and I agree!

Jaffa 2009-10-21 17:01

Re: summit n900 recipients, report in
  1. Always-on data.
  2. More portable than an N8x0.
  3. Shiny UI.
  4. Hackable sub-systems so I can do things like Hermes

qwerty12 2009-10-21 17:08

Re: summit n900 recipients, report in
  • A task switcher that has more than one column.
  • Multiple desktops for widgets.
  • A camera that is not useless.

  • People like lcuk bringing software to it. (I kid, I kid!)

EIPI 2009-10-21 17:08

Re: summit n900 recipients, report in
1. I will re-iterate Jaffa's number 1 - always-on data is amazing
2. calendar sync out-of-the-box to my google calendar. The calendar is a nicely designed app btw.
3. multiple desktops
4. finger detection is excellent - imagine a 3.5" screen with your gmail inbox in list view - you can use your finger to select which email to open up, and it is very accurate.
5. the whole UI is very polished and intuitive. I love the kinetic scrolling.
6. "call type" selection from the phone application
7. Task switching
8. camera takes some nice shots!
9. there are more that I cannot think of right now.

In short, I am in love with the loaned N900 - Maemo Devices has done an excellent job.

daveb70 2009-10-21 17:30

Re: summit n900 recipients, report in
With the larger volume of visitors to the site and thus an increased number of threads some of them easily get lost in the shuffle, not sure how many hit the more... button regularly. I find I have to dig for something that is instantly "un-hot" in less than a day. No big deal, that's the way it works. Although if people requested it I suppose the top 12 listed under Active Topics could be increased.

Too bad there's not a category or group option that members can belong to that will allow them to be part of a notification system relating to their profile choices (a la devices owned type of detail among others)

I'm guessing those with N900s are slacking on the job, ignoring their signifcant others, and barely getting any sleep and when they do, the N900 is their pillow (or they slip it between their knees). :p

Thanks to those who've already shared, we appreciate all feedback.

qole 2009-10-21 17:59

Re: summit n900 recipients, report in
The camera is really the best thing about the N900. It is good enough to be your only tourist camera when travelling.
Always-on data is great too.
And some other stuff.

frethop 2009-10-21 18:30

Re: summit n900 recipients, report in
Some things I like:
  • The user interface redo: kinetic scrolling, etc, etc
  • The integration of the phone was done very well. The integration of other services (e.g. Skype) into the phone was also done well.
  • The browser -- with the automatic, selective zooming. Very cool!
  • The conversation metaphor with text messages and IMs. Instead of using a "mail" metaphor -- with "replies" and "forwards" -- they have organized a nice way to handle multiple threads of messaging.
  • The sharing service idea. Yes...this is present in other devices (e.g., S60), but the Evernote service shows you can write plug ins for the service. Again, the integration is cool.

'Nuf for now.

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