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BrentDC 2009-10-23 00:55

[Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
TouchSearch is a “Desktop Widget” that runs directly on the home screen of your device and acts as a quick way to search many of the websites you use everyday. It features a sleek and simple interface that will allow you to search the web with ease.

Some built-in “search engines” (websites that you can search) are: Google web results, Amazon, Ebay auction listings,, YouTube and more. TouchSearch also supports the installation of additional search engines, so you may add to TouchSearch any of the search engines located on the Addons page.

Some of the main features of TouchSearch are:
  • Quick-access to searching your favorites sites
  • Simple and clean interface
  • Customizable look
  • Support for searching sites in all supported languages
  • Free!
You can download TouchSearch from's download page, here.

BrentDC 2009-10-24 18:50

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Here are a few screenshots of TouchSearch in action:

lma 2009-10-24 22:32

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Screenshots look good, but... it doesn't appear in the "Add widget" dialog's list here :-(

BrentDC 2009-10-24 22:53

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Maybe try rebooting? This was a problem with previous python-hildondesktop versions, but since I specified a specific version, that shouldn't be the problem.

Let me know if doesn't show up after a reboot. Thanks.

lma 2009-10-25 09:11

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Yes, a reboot fixed it :-)

BrentDC 2009-10-25 16:04

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
I do have a question for those using it on a real device: is the widget finger-friendly enough? Specifically, the two buttons that sit on the desktop. They are 48x48 and am wondering whether I should use 64x64 instead. It is kind of hard to tell actual sizes on scratchbox. Thanks.

twaelti 2009-10-25 16:55

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Thanks Brent! It installed without any problem and showed up on the desktop. Enhancement requests:
  • The size of the buttons works well. Don't make it larger.
  • In the "Type A Search Query" dialogue, could you add a keyevent for ENTER to immediately start the search?
  • In the same dialogue, let the user touch the searchengine logo to change the search engine used in another way?
  • The button is very dark, what about a thin semi-transparent frame around it like other widgets have?
  • The right button is incomprehensible. What does it represent? Using a pulldown/choose button as seen in other apps.
  • In "Select A Site To Search", mark the current searchengine when opening the dialogue - otherwise cancelling it will change the search to Google.
  • Compared to Nokias search widget in OS2008: Is there some kind of config file available to modify? How can we add our own searches? Could GConf help?
Anyway - I like the widget very much. It looks really good and works well :-) Thanks again!

BrentDC 2009-10-26 02:50

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by twaelti (Post 357749)
Thanks Brent! It installed without any problem and showed up on the desktop. Enhancement requests:
  • The size of the buttons works well. Don't make it larger.
  • In the "Type A Search Query" dialogue, could you add a keyevent for ENTER to immediately start the search?
  • In the same dialogue, let the user touch the searchengine logo to change the search engine used in another way?
  • The button is very dark, what about a thin semi-transparent frame around it like other widgets have?
  • The right button is incomprehensible. What does it represent? Using a pulldown/choose button as seen in other apps.
  • In "Select A Site To Search", mark the current searchengine when opening the dialogue - otherwise cancelling it will change the search to Google.
  • Compared to Nokias search widget in OS2008: Is there some kind of config file available to modify? How can we add our own searches? Could GConf help?
Anyway - I like the widget very much. It looks really good and works well :-) Thanks again!

  • Good :)
  • Could you file a bug on this ( > TouchSearch)? That is a serious one. Thanks.
  • Someone else suggested that; it shouldn't be to difficult to implement.
  • The RSS widget in Scratchbox looks very dark, so I figured that was the UI style. Semi-transparent would require me to mess with Cairo (?), and frankly, that's been my house of horrors.
  • Could you link to something like that, or if it's a stock item just tell me the name? Thanks.
  • I'll look into that. The "close-auto-selects-google" is a bug. It has to do with the (kludge) I'm using to call the hildon.PickerDialog.
  • I plan on adding many more searches to the applet in future versions -- but would also like to implement a way for users to add their own.

Thanks for all the comments! Oh, also: could you add a thumbs up to the package page (link)? I'm trying to get this pushed to Extras. Thanks!

lma 2009-10-26 03:02

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 357729)
I do have a question for those using it on a real device: is the widget finger-friendly enough?

Yes, the size of the buttons is absolutely fine.

codeMonkey 2009-11-30 11:48

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 357963)
  • I plan on adding many more searches to the applet in future versions -- but would also like to implement a way for users to add their own.

I second this - we could always go and play with the .py, but a nice configurable way of doing it would be fantastic :)

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