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danramos 2009-10-27 18:17

ODROID Portable Android gaming machine
Well, now.. this looks promising too...

Here's a short blurb on CrunchGear:

danramos 2009-10-27 18:40

Re: ODROID Portable Android gaming machine
If you go to the bottom of, there's a bunch of good images like..

The way it can go vertical or horizontal reminds me of the Atari Lynx done one better with the two sets of keypad buttons on either side no matter how you hold it.

zerojay 2009-10-27 18:50

Re: ODROID Portable Android gaming machine

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 359153)
If you go to the bottom of, there's a bunch of good images like..

The way it can go vertical or horizontal reminds me of the Atari Lynx done one better with the two sets of keypad buttons on either side no matter how you hold it.

Reminds me a lot more of the Bandai Wonderswan.

danramos 2009-10-27 19:10

Re: ODROID Portable Android gaming machine

Originally Posted by zerojay (Post 359155)
Reminds me a lot more of the Bandai Wonderswan.

Considering they've already made units--this might end up holding my interest alongside the new Archos Internet Tablet. The D-pad on this one has one-upped the Archos for me. I WANT the D-pad (I was very disappointed when it was removed after the N800).

zerojay 2009-10-27 19:32

Re: ODROID Portable Android gaming machine

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 359169)
Considering they've already made units--this might end up holding my interest alongside the new Archos Internet Tablet. The D-pad on this one has one-upped the Archos for me. I WANT the D-pad (I was very disappointed when it was removed after the N800).

As much as I'm a huge gamer, the dpad on the N800 and N810 were so horrible that I thought they were better off without one at all.

danramos 2009-10-27 20:28

Re: ODROID Portable Android gaming machine

Originally Posted by zerojay (Post 359188)
As much as I'm a huge gamer, the dpad on the N800 and N810 were so horrible that I thought they were better off without one at all.

You're right about the d-pad's quality but I disagree with your sentiment that it is better off without one at all.

I'm not a huge gamer but the dpad helped a LOT for me to simply reach into my pocket and pause my podcasts (rewind, fast-forward and so on) as I'm walking along. I REALLY appreciated it for lots of moments when I needed a d-pad despite the fact that I wish they had an improved one.

That's why I'm HAPPY to see what is effectively an internet tablet with a GOOD dpad and buttons.. and even better, EXCELLENT array of them with excellent placement.

48GX 2012-07-16 15:48

Re: ODROID Portable Android gaming machine
have you seen that ?



Kangal 2012-07-17 05:00

Re: ODROID Portable Android gaming machine
It's missing a HDMI port I think.

Though not bad for $129.
Its got full hardware and software documentation, and runs Linux distro's.
It does give the OUYA some competition, but not really, they're aimed at two different yet similar groups.

48GX 2012-07-17 11:55

Re: ODROID Portable Android gaming machine
look at this one:

hdmi port!

Kangal 2012-07-17 15:17

Re: ODROID Portable Android gaming machine
I wouldn't recommend Tegra2/Tegra3 SoC's.

They have proprietary components.
Also they have an internal module that controls the cpu and gpu behaviour. Vastly limiting your control over voltage, frequency and governors.
This is one of the pitfalls of the OUYA in my opinion, it should be 100% open hardware instead. The Exynos4412 would make a fine choice.

Though I'm suspecting the OUYA will be a bad buy, because its almost outdated as A15's will be imminently released this year. And because, even though the 4412 is an exceptional processor, a year from now, when the OUYA finally ships, it won't be.

To add insult to injury, it would be competing and outclassed by the X360, PS3 and WiiU.

edit: If there was any time any way, for an Android console, it would have been:
-Q3 2011, Android 4.0, 1GB RAM, Exynos 4212.
-Or Q2 '12, Android 4.1, 2GB RAM, Exynos 4412.

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