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code177 2009-11-04 20:32

SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
This thread will hopefully yield some interesting information and help some of us connect / see what we're all working on, and allow us to take stock. It would be really great if everyone developing would reply :)

Copy and paste the following with your answers:

Purpose/goal of project:

Thanks everyone!

code177 2009-11-04 20:32

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: PyGTK
IDE: EsBox / Maemo5 vmware SDK Pre-final
Project: Prismic Wallpapers ( app)
Progress: 85%
License: GNU GPL
Distribution: Ovi Store
Purpose/goal of project: An application to provide users with available wallpapers to save and use as backgrounds as easily as possible.

jolouis 2009-11-04 20:40

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: C SDL
IDE: Nano (I'm old skool) + MaemoSDK + compiling on device
Project: FlipClock
Progress: 70% on base app, porting from Diablo to Fremantle will take a little bit of extra time but not too bad.
License: GNU GPL
Distribution: Free, Donations through Paypal once app is released, possibly OviStore once Fremantle version is ready.

Purpose/goal of project: Provide large display theme-able clock with full alarm interface to allow tablet/device to be used as daily alarm clock/regular clock.

(I added that purpose thing, hopefully it helps let people know what the project is about and prevent people from overlapping/focusing on doing the same thing twice?)

Bundyo 2009-11-04 22:47

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Project: Tear
Language/s: Vala, HTML, JS, CSS
IDE: MonoDevelop
Progress: Unknown
License: GPL
Distribution: Free
Purpose/goal of project: Web Browser

dwould 2009-11-04 22:53

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Project: Witter (basically me just leaning)
Language/s: Python/gtk
IDE: Esbox - ssh to n810 and maemo5 scratchbox
Progress: erm...well I've got the basics working.
Purpose/goal of project: my own learning. I wanted to get into developing for Maemo and figured I'd start with the 'hello world' of the web2.0 world...a twitter client.
Once I've got the hang of things I may try more useful projects

xmob 2009-11-04 23:03

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: Python
IDE: Varies. Usually Crimson or Nano
Project: mSideShow
Progress: Moving forward
License: GNU GPL
Distribution: Garage
Purpose/goal of project: Use N900 as Windows SideShow device.

Language/s: Python
IDE: Varies. Usually Crimson or Nano
Project: mTunesRemote
Progress: Struggling with avahi in SDK. Need to wait for device. :(
License: GNU GPL
Distribution: Garage
Purpose/goal of project: Use N900 to remote control iTunes. Select playlists, view artwork etc.

jackabite 2009-11-04 23:54

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: C++
IDE: still trying to figure that out (Eclipse hopefully)
Project: fingershare
Progress: -10%
License: GNU GPL
Distribution: Free
Purpose/goal of project: Fun, but so far one big headache, coming from a WinTel C++\C# environment to Linux\C++\Sandbox is a little hard. Instant gratification is non-existant here - but I feel the long term relationship has prospects.

412b 2009-11-05 00:51

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Project: Advanced Power Monitor
Language/s: Python (potentially C/C++)
IDE: KDevelop, NetBeans, MC
Progress: 98% (real device testing needed)
License: GPL
Distribution: Free
Purpose/goal of project: Get all the potential of device :) Or a bit ;)

Project: Advanced Power
Language/s: Python (PyGTK. Hildon)
IDE: KDevelop, NetBeans, MC
Progress: 95% (depends on APM and not enough testing yet, but seems to work)
License: GPL
Distribution: Free
Purpose/goal of project: Make life a bit easier ;)

lcuk 2009-11-05 00:59

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: C (the only true language)
IDE: ssh Console for building, Windows version of Komodo Edit for source, winscp for copying files. on device compilation.
Project: libliqbase
Progress: much further than i thought, 90% personal completion for what i need,
probably less for others
standalone running needs work on n900
License: gpl
Distribution: free, generous donations, its a library no end user distribution available
Purpose/goal of project: to support construction of liq* apps for n8x0, n900, touchbook, laptops etc

Language/s: C (the only true language)
IDE: ssh Console for building, Windows version of Komodo Edit for source, winscp for copying files. on device compilation.
Project: liqbase-playground liqflow liqtorch liqcalendar liqsketch liqgraffiti liqbook liqpostcard liqrecentmedia liquser orchestra eureka liqremote liqmap liqtag
Progress: further than i thought, i use the apps as required,
each needs integration work
License: gpl
Distribution: free,
generous donations,
app sponsorship (in context)
app/dev training
ovi store seems distant and not applicable for license or even n810 users or mer,
prefer extras as things are ready :)
specific modules written by others can do what they like though

Purpose/goal of project: needs a whole thread on its own, wont pollute here, go find out.

<snip cut out overview of each and purpose, let me know if you want more info>

jkq 2009-11-05 03:13

Re: SURVEY: Who's Developing for Maemo5/N900, What, and How - Check-In here
Language/s: Python: PyQt/PySide
IDE: (g)vim
Project: PyConverter
Progress: 75%?
License: GPL?
Distribution: extras(-devel)
Purpose/goal of project: A simple unit converter (and a good excuse to learn how to develop apps for Maemo :))


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