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flareup 2009-11-14 13:09

this would be so funny if true - apple IT with stylus?

if true, this would be ironic in light of the iphone-chasing nokia has done with 900, and in the process losing most of the great things/ideas that started with 770 and went on to n8xx imho.

if the long rumoured apple pad was a stylus friendly internet tablet of the form factor nokia seems to have dropped, where does that leave the maemo line?

ysss 2009-11-15 06:21

Re: this would be so funny if true - apple IT with stylus?
I'd reckon stylus-less operation is useful for devices that you hold with one hand and take out\put in your pocket very often daily.

For a 'real' tablet, it doesn't make sense to leave the "notepad and pen" pattern and go for finger painting.

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