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cnavarro 2009-11-16 22:18

Right path for storing application data?
Hi all

I'm writting an application ( just a concept test ;) ) for freemantle using Qt, and I was wondering which is the right path in the machine for writing application data.
I do not know the partition scheme and also I was wondering what happens when the application is uninstalled.

I was thinking in something like $HOME/.myapp/data but do not know if this is the reight approach

Thank you in advance


mikemorrison 2009-11-16 23:27

Re: Right path for storing application data?
You will probably want to follow the XDG Base Directory Specification:

danielwilms 2009-11-17 08:17

Re: Right path for storing application data?

here you find as well some good general guide about packaging in Qt, and some more information about storing application data and its' limitations on the N900.

Cheers Daniel

cnavarro 2009-11-17 21:43

Re: Right path for storing application data?
Just what I was looking for. Thanks!

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