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xmob 2009-11-24 16:28

[UK] - giffgaff launches 25 Nov 2009 (was: giffgaff launches tomorrow)
For those in the UK looking for a network to use with their N900s (you lucky so and so's!), giffgaff launches tomorrow (25th November).

giffgaff is a community led MVNO. It's sort of run by O2. It promises competitive packages and community rewards. Apart from the stupid name, it seems like it could be a good mix with the maemo mindset.

giffgaff website.

eiffel 2009-11-24 16:58

Re: [UK] - giffgaff launches tomorrow
Take a look at this bit:


In fact, when we launch, data will be free. Honestly, that’s because we won’t have had time to build the bit of our backend system to charge for it, and yet we don’t want to launch without data - so we thought we’d just let you have it. All we ask is that you don’t take the mickey, and that you do give something back by topping up, making calls, answering some questions, doing some marketing etc.

Data won’t be free forever. It can’t. We won’t stay in business very long if we just give stuff away! We will have to charge for it, once we can. So again, we’d like your views on what’s a fair and simple way of charging. Price per Mb? Price per day? Unlimited with a certain level of monthly top-up? Or something else?

dansus 2009-11-24 17:38

Re: [UK] - giffgaff launches tomorrow
Looks good, signed up when they first announced it.

Cant say it will do you much good in the south east on the N900 as its on the O2 network unless they give it QoS.

xmob 2009-11-25 01:25

Re: [UK] - giffgaff launches tomorrow
Cheeky, I know. But if anybody orders a SIM, mention my username (xmob). Cheers.

jjx 2009-11-25 07:39

Re: [UK] - giffgaff launches tomorrow
I couldn't tell from the website if it does 3G data or HSPA data ("3.5G").
Does it? What speed?

It sounds like a nice stopgap until I can use my Three SIM, which will be cheaper but perhaps only because my partner is also on Three and we both got excellent deals which are no longer available :-)

xmob 2009-11-25 09:04

Re: [UK] - giffgaff launches tomorrow
It is my understanding that giffgaff will also support HSDPA. I will attempt to get a definitive answer.

Fargus 2009-11-25 09:09

Re: [UK] - giffgaff launches tomorrow

Originally Posted by dansus (Post 389297)
Looks good, signed up when they first announced it.

Cant say it will do you much good in the south east on the N900 as its on the O2 network unless they give it QoS.

Or simply ban the iPhone from use - lets hope Nokia win the case against Apple and they have to turn off the GSM stack! LOL

Duffer 2009-11-25 10:29

Re: [UK] - giffgaff launches tomorrow
I wonder what they call "taking the mickey" with regards to data usage?

The blog seems to suggest 100MB/day I could live with that if confirmed.

xmob 2009-11-25 16:13

Re: [UK] - giffgaff launches tomorrow
3Gb a month (which is roughly 100Mb a day) is what has recently been quoted.

Flanbix 2009-11-25 18:54

Re: [UK] - giffgaff launches tomorrow
Have you use the N900 with the giffgaff sim card yet xmob?
Seems intresting for data...

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