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Devil 2009-11-25 21:30

Issues, dissatisfaction or pleased?
I created this poll in order to try getting a good perspective on the actual damage which is done here, and with damage i mean how much people are experiencing problems with the N900.

See options above.

pr0xyfl00d3r 2009-11-25 21:36

Re: Issues, dissatisfaction or pleased?
how bout a "still waiting"

ossipena 2009-11-25 21:39

Re: Issues, dissatisfaction or pleased?
what about pleased+issues?

davedickson 2009-11-25 21:39

Re: Issues, dissatisfaction or pleased?

Originally Posted by pr0xyfl00d3r (Post 392428)
how bout a "still waiting"

LOL :D or "cancelled because I'm so pi**ed off"

nilchak 2009-11-25 21:43

Re: Issues, dissatisfaction or pleased?
or "Moved on to the HTC HD2" like many in these forums say.

Devil 2009-11-25 21:44

Re: Issues, dissatisfaction or pleased?
The target i am focussing at is creating an insight into what percentages of N900's have issues.

For the people who are still in doubt for buying the device could make a more balanced decision on whether to buy it or not.

Hope this is a goal which serves some.

Therefore i have not included options as still waiting, still in doubt, switched, cancelled, pleased till a certain extend, etc etc.

RevdKathy 2009-11-25 21:53

Re: Issues, dissatisfaction or pleased?
Pleased enough to be trying out posting from it! so far apart from failing with the playlists it's all been good. Lots more to work out tomorrow.

ShutUpYouFace 2009-11-25 21:55

Re: Issues, dissatisfaction or pleased?
Pleased with mine.. Haven't found any faults..Installed a few apps including firefox.. I really like the browser(s).. I love the fact that it has SSH.. Easily able to connect to my various servers...

And the built in FM Transmitter - Ingenious!

Devil 2009-11-26 03:46

Re: Issues, dissatisfaction or pleased?

bearded ugly'ers must post !

MountainX 2009-11-26 04:08

Re: Issues, dissatisfaction or pleased?
Not a single problem (apart from a known bug with the GPS).

Everything works as it should :)

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