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yupa 2009-12-06 00:04

Which office suite will arrive first?
I'm waiting for a real release of a complete (allowing editing) release of an office suite (documents, spreadsheets, presentations). Who will win the run, the much announced but still unseen koffice, the "bloated" but complete openoffice, the already ported on previous tablet abiworld+gnumeric, or a commercial software as dataviz docstogo or quickoffice?

christexaport 2009-12-06 00:12

Re: Which office suite will arrive first?
I believe all of them are in development, and don't be surprised if Microsoft Office makes an appearance, either. I'd be willing to bet Dataviz wins out. But they're all waiting on DRM for license handling. I'm sure they're all ready.

Rauha 2009-12-06 00:20

Re: Which office suite will arrive first?

Originally Posted by christexaport (Post 412319)
don't be surprised if Microsoft Office makes an appearance, either.

MIcrosoft releasing a native Linux version of MS Office? Suprised would be an understatement of my feelings, if such a thing happened. Hell, freezing point of water and so forth.

mrojas 2009-12-06 00:40

Re: Which office suite will arrive first?
Two words: Easy Debian.

Qole FTW.

schnebeck 2009-12-06 00:48

Re: Which office suite will arrive first?

christexaport 2009-12-06 01:29

Re: Which office suite will arrive first?
I'm confused about Easy Debian. Is it in the repositories? I saw something about Debian chroot and something else, but wasn't sure of its functionality. Qole!! Come tell us about your great creation.

mrojas 2009-12-06 01:43

Re: Which office suite will arrive first?

Originally Posted by christexaport (Post 412383)
I'm confused about Easy Debian. Is it in the repositories? I saw something about Debian chroot and something else, but wasn't sure of its functionality. Qole!! Come tell us about your great creation.

It should be in Extras. Easy Debian is a virtualized full Debian environment which runs on top of Maemo, and contains all Debian goodies: Open Office, Gimp, etc.

It runs a bit slow on a N8x0, but it runs, let's remember a N8x0 has approximately the processing power of a Pentium II.

Due to the UI changes in Maemo 5, ED is not fully ready for the N900, but I think Qole is working on that.

speednut 2009-12-06 01:45

Re: Which office suite will arrive first?
I thought I had read that KOffice was fully baked for Maemo 5. Certainly DRM can't be used as an excuse to delay its release. Did I miss something and it's a viewer only?

christexaport 2009-12-06 01:52

Re: Which office suite will arrive first?
Not KOffice, but Dataviz. Since its a paid app, they only have read only until either Nokia licenses the full app or they get DRM so we can buy it.

olighak 2009-12-06 01:58

Re: Which office suite will arrive first?

Originally Posted by christexaport (Post 412408)
Not KOffice, but Dataviz. Since its a paid app, they only have read only until either Nokia licenses the full app or they get DRM so we can buy it.

Why do they need Nokia to license the whole thing or "get a drm so we can buy it"?

Canīt they just use some code on the device mac address or imei to generate a unlock code for the office application?

Do they need to disclose the code if they donīt want to? Isnīt partially open source and partially not fine?

Thereīs no DRM on my PC applications. I can copy installation files back and forth and then just enter license codes. Why do I need one for my phone ones? I seriously donīt understand all this DRM wanking with mobile apps.

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