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mtran66 2009-12-07 21:13

why are there two times on my SMS messages?
1 Attachment(s)
please take a look at the screenshot.

Each SMS I receive includes two times. The one on the left is always wrong. I'm guessing it's some sort of time zone thing, but it's wrong. How do I fix this? It's very confusing because when I get the SMS notification, it displays the wrong time (roughly 5 hours ago) and my first instinct is that I missed the message or the message didn't show up until 5 hours later.

Flandry 2009-12-07 21:15

Re: why are there two times on my SMS messages?
Mine always have two times: sent, and received. It uses the time zone of the account for sent, i think, while it uses the time zone the phone is using for the received (because that's set by the phone itself).

Devil 2009-12-07 21:18

Re: why are there two times on my SMS messages?
how about received, and replied?

mtran66 2009-12-07 21:20

Re: why are there two times on my SMS messages?
Every text message I've recieved is from the same timezone, so it should appear the same.

I checked the "messaging" and "contacts" applications for settings regarding timezone and there is nothing there.

the problem is. When I receive a text message, like that one I got at 3:50pm EST. the n900 pops up and says I have an SMS that was sent at 10:51am, which is wrong.

how can I fix this?

Flandry 2009-12-07 21:24

Re: why are there two times on my SMS messages?
The "sent" field is from the server that sends it to the phone. Whether that's controlled by your phone account settings (i think mine is) or not is probably up to your provider. My guess is, they (your provider) have their servers all set to UST or something.

mtran66 2009-12-07 21:27

Re: why are there two times on my SMS messages?
oh, that's a good explanation... I wonder how I can change the notification it to show my current time instead of 5 hours ago... cuz that's pretty annoying.

Devil 2009-12-07 21:33

Re: why are there two times on my SMS messages?
ah maybe i know what it is.

the timezone settings seem to be wrong where you live as well.

where i live, when i use the timezones from the Nokia server, it adjusts my time wrong. so i use the correct timezone but i have set the time myself, because if i let nokias server do it, it goes awefully wrong.

got the same problem. Timezone is way off on the server or something like that it is dont remember that well.

mtran66 2009-12-07 21:43

Re: why are there two times on my SMS messages?
1 Attachment(s)
I tried tinkering with my clock settings and restarted the n900. I sent myself another text message, but it's still 5 hours off.

mikec 2009-12-07 21:46

Re: why are there two times on my SMS messages?
Sounds like its your timezone (region) thats wrong not the clock

Flandry 2009-12-07 21:47

Re: why are there two times on my SMS messages?
Independent of where that wrong zone is coming from, you should be able to set the program to show the "received" time instead of the "sent" time. If it doesn't already exist, you should create a bug report requesting this "Enhancement".

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