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taril 2009-12-08 15:30

Help for testing - Yahoo! Mail ( IMAP4 service on N900
It does not work for me, and other two N900 device Ive tested:

Follow this instruction to set up your Yahoo! Mail imap 4 account on your N900:

Email - Menu - New account


Region: select your country or leave it on default

Service Provider: Yahoo! Mail (not Yahoo UK and Yahoo Plus!!!)


Username: your account name at

Password: your password

Email address:


After this I always receive IMAP4 account settings window with incorrect username/password

Am not stupid and idiot, I use daily my yahoo account. IMAP4 setting is works on other devices except on N900.

It was tested on 3 different N900 device with 3 different Yahoo Mai account! It does not work. :-(

And I wont use a payware nokia messaging service, so do not offer that to me, thanks! ;-)

Please, help me to debug this error. Thank you!

taril 2009-12-08 20:30

Re: Help for testing - Yahoo! Mail ( IMAP4 service on N900
Would someone try this for me?

If you dont have any yahoo email address, please register for one here:


noobmonkey 2009-12-08 21:09

Re: Help for testing - Yahoo! Mail ( IMAP4 service on N900

Originally Posted by taril (Post 417338)
Would someone try this for me?

If you dont have any yahoo email address, please register for one here:


works fine for me using nokia messaging, bit busy to explain but do a quick searc on here for nokia messaging. effectively turns imap yahoo into push email for free :)

romanianusa 2009-12-08 21:09

Re: Help for testing - Yahoo! Mail ( IMAP4 service on N900
I try Nokia messenger and it works but it's kind of slow. I am not sure if Yahoo mail support IMAP. IT's more like POP but you have to pay for Yahoo Plus to use POP i heard.

taril 2009-12-08 21:12

Re: Help for testing - Yahoo! Mail ( IMAP4 service on N900
Yahoo Mail has imap4 for ages.
Port: 143
Security: None

noobmonkey 2009-12-08 21:21

Re: Help for testing - Yahoo! Mail ( IMAP4 service on N900

Originally Posted by taril (Post 417422)
Yahoo Mail has imap4 for ages.
Port: 143
Security: None

for me nokia messenger is isntant. worth a go :)

taril 2009-12-08 21:29

Re: Help for testing - Yahoo! Mail ( IMAP4 service on N900
The fact is that the default email client sets your yahoo mail correctly, but it does not synchronizes, you always receive incorrect username/password message!

Please, try to set up in normal way that i showed you in the first post, and write here your result (working/nonworkin), because Ive already reported this to maemo bug, but they say its my fault, not a bug of modest email client.

taril 2009-12-09 09:05

Re: Help for testing - Yahoo! Mail ( IMAP4 service on N900
I found the mail server definition file under

It contains invalid server definition for IMAP Yahoo!Mail

Name=Yahoo! Mail
SecureSmtp must be 0 !!! (no security, port:25)

Now, sending is working, only imap accessing is still problematic.

taril 2009-12-09 11:25

Re: Help for testing - Yahoo! Mail ( IMAP4 service on N900
Finally, maemo was removed IMAP Yahoo! Mail service from its system. Cheers!
Have fun with pop3...

Venomrush 2009-12-09 11:31

Re: Help for testing - Yahoo! Mail ( IMAP4 service on N900
Not sure what the problem is.
I'm using UK yahoo with and mine work great.
I got free IMAP (i'm not Yahoo Plus!) and can receive and send email perfectly.

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