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Bidybag 2009-12-09 08:17

Where are my MSN contacts?
I enabled and installed butterfly and went to Voip and IM accounts in settings and added my MSN account. It says Enabled, but where do i find my MSN contact list displaying whos online and offline? I tried going to "Contacts" then "Groups" and then selecting "MSN" but it just shows (no contacts)

mklass 2009-12-09 08:46

Re: Where are my MSN contacts?
I also had this probelm so i uninstalled butterfly and installed Haze an it works with my contacts now :D

Fargus 2009-12-09 08:51

Re: Where are my MSN contacts?

Originally Posted by Bidybag (Post 418300)
I enabled and installed butterfly and went to Voip and IM accounts in settings and added my MSN account. It says Enabled, but where do i find my MSN contact list displaying whos online and offline? I tried going to "Contacts" then "Groups" and then selecting "MSN" but it just shows (no contacts)

Looks like this is a big - can you file a bug report on this one so that the developer can put it on the list of things to do please? :)

Bidybag 2009-12-09 09:15

Re: Where are my MSN contacts?
Gone through the whole list and Haze isnt there. I see pidgin and butterfly but no haze

locusf 2009-12-09 09:17

Re: Where are my MSN contacts?

Originally Posted by Bidybag (Post 418300)
I enabled and installed butterfly and went to Voip and IM accounts in settings and added my MSN account. It says Enabled, but where do i find my MSN contact list displaying whos online and offline? I tried going to "Contacts" then "Groups" and then selecting "MSN" but it just shows (no contacts)

The contacts are usually found by their MSN id, ie. the email they have registered to MSN with.

TheDagger 2009-12-09 09:25

Re: Where are my MSN contacts?
I installed butterfly and the contacts appeared to my contact list without problems after I switched the availability from offline to online.

However, when I try to delete a msn contact, it dissappears from the contact list for a while and then reappears. (The delete confimation window says that it will remove the contact from server but this seems not to be the case.)

Bidybag 2009-12-09 09:54

Re: Where are my MSN contacts?
it says im online but no contacts are appearing, i want to try haze but it is not in the place i installed butterfly,been through the whole list

Venomrush 2009-12-09 11:07

Re: Where are my MSN contacts?

Originally Posted by Bidybag (Post 418377)
Gone through the whole list and Haze isnt there. I see pidgin and butterfly but no haze

haze is in devel, be warn stuff in devel can cause you to reflash your device

Bidybag 2009-12-09 14:21

Re: Where are my MSN contacts?
i have added contacts manually now with butterfly but how do i see who is online and offline?the only way i know how is to open a convo with them and then it says

mklass 2009-12-09 14:25

Re: Where are my MSN contacts?
You can check by going to contacts, all contacts, then availability

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