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stobbsc 2009-12-09 12:21

Removing Background files
Hi All,

I've removed all the images that came on the phone, and I want to remove all the desktop files for backgrounds as well. Where are these files stored?
cause when I got change background I'm still getting loads of image sets files , I don't want these options anymore.


Pedrolot 2009-12-09 12:37

Re: Removing Background files
They'll be hidden in your Images folder.

Plug your N900 in to your computer.

TheDagger 2009-12-09 12:53

Re: Removing Background files
If I understand correctly, the image sets in the change background menu are read from files with .desktop ending located in the Images folder (i.e., ~/MyDocs/.images).

Maybe deleting (or renaming) those files would remove the options from the change background menu.

Darkshine 2009-12-09 12:54

Re: Removing Background files

Originally Posted by Pedrolot (Post 418708)
They'll be hidden in your Images folder.

Plug your N900 in to your computer.

Or delete them using the command line. They'll be files starting with a '.', so cd into the correct directory:


cd MyDocs/.images
and then:


rm .
then press TAB twice to see the files. Then just finish off the command with the filename and they're gone :) They'll be names like '.abstract1.desktop'

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