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joshua.maverick 2009-10-21 14:56

Show off your Maemo 5 screenshots

Originally Posted by qole (Post 325020)
So, I still have lots of work to do, but I can post these proof-of-concept screenshots. Enjoy!

I really hope someone ports OpenOffice to Maemo and gives it a nice Maemo UI, but that's a pretty big task. So until that happens...

OpenOffice Writer running under Fremantle, using Fremantle GTK theme (but still needing some serious UI tweaking -- those scroll bars are microscopic):

Note the load applet; one bar for processor load. OpenOffice doesn't really stress out the processor much.

OpenOffice in the dashboard; multitasking FTW:

Could I help out with the ui at all, functionality seems strong, but the ui is kind of soft.

qole 2009-10-21 15:46

Re: Show off your screenshots
You can help by installing OpenOffice on your desktop, then playing with the UI options to find the best layout for a tiny 800x480 screen...

Jaffa 2009-10-23 12:17

Re: Show off your screenshots

Thanks to timsamoff for the background (and, yes, I know about the black border around the buttons). Will be in Hermes v0.1.1.

pelago 2009-10-23 21:17

Re: Show off your screenshots

Originally Posted by Jaffa (Post 356375)

Thanks to timsamoff for the background (and, yes, I know about the black border around the buttons). Will be in Hermes v0.1.1.

Image isn't appearing for me.

mfortner 2009-10-24 00:32

Re: Show off your screenshots

Originally Posted by pelago (Post 356879)
Image isn't appearing for me.

Nor for me.

yerga 2009-10-24 16:42

Re: Show off your screenshots
1 Attachment(s)
Now, you can turn the N900 to portrait orientation and continue using StockThis.

It seems isn't a good moment to buy Apple :p

Edit: just saw a bug with the screenshot, changing to the right one.

qwerty12 2009-10-25 21:34

Re: Show off your screenshots
My Sony Ericsson phone modding days are coming out in me, and I had to:

mmurfin87 2009-12-05 22:46

How is YOUR Desktop set up?
Personally I'm using the following setup:

"Contacts" panel:

"Media" panel:

"Web" panel:

"Utility" panel:

The Web panel and the Utility panel are probably going to go through some revisions because i'm not quite happy about the separation of functionality. I'd really prefer to have a Web panel, Utility panel, and a kind of PIM panel, but then I'd be over the 4 panel limit.

captainqtp 2009-12-07 18:02

Re: How is YOUR Desktop set up?

Originally Posted by mmurfin87 (Post 412180)
The Web panel and the Utility panel are probably going to go through some revisions because i'm not quite happy about the separation of functionality. I'd really prefer to have a Web panel, Utility panel, and a kind of PIM panel, but then I'd be over the 4 panel limit.

Is there a place to increase the 4 panel limit?

noobmonkey 2009-12-07 18:08

Re: How is YOUR Desktop set up?

Originally Posted by captainqtp (Post 414886)
Is there a place to increase the 4 panel limit?

nope :( - pretty sure not.

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