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pinguino89 2009-12-09 18:25

Online Video Player!! (maemo4)
So, I was browsing my bookmarked sites, and view a news:

veoh optimized for iPhone, now released the application

mi first thought was "oh...I have flash, I have this..this..this...but there is an equivalent for the iPhone that works even better,,"
yep because my n800-builtin browser, in't comparable with the my iphone anyway..yes it is more compatible with the standards of the web (ex flash) but it's f***** slow, and videos are not so well displayed...yeah, there is mytube or the fabtastic digia@scene, but what about hulu???veoh??? and more of all MEGAVIDEO???

our maemo4 devices are potentially a beautiful internet-media plattform, but I do not see a way to enjoy really the internet-media on my n800...

yeah for simple browsing there is midori/tear, but what if I wanto to megavideo? that If i want something that isn't youtube?? (and the fact that I have always to copy/paste the url is annoyng...)

my propostal is:

a script/plugin/whatever it may be, that use mplayer to play the browser's videos (flv or whatever) in the same way the iphone, the android's device use theyr player to thisplay those videos, because the flashplayer hasn't enough horsepower from the device to run smoot (n900 doesn't seem to have such problems)

is it possible?? (i'm not a kinux geek, nor a advanced programmer, only a linux an tecnology appasionated, so I ask you even the possibility of that xD)

pinguino89 2009-12-10 13:33

Re: Online Video Player!! (maemo4)
no one thinks that that is necessary for our tablets??:confused::confused::confused:

I mean it for maemo, but I will be happy if it will be developed also for Mer! (witch I dualboot :p)

pinguino89 2009-12-11 22:02

Re: Online Video Player!! (maemo4)
i've searched if there are some solution in terms of plug-ins, I discovered only the gecko-mediaplayer plug-in and the mplayer plugin;

The gecko mediaplayer, is intended to open video files in Totem or gnome-mplayer, so if a port is possible, it have to be modified to be open in m-player or kmplayer;
the mplayer plugin, is already present in repos but it reproduces only avi and wmv formats;

any tweak to use mplayerplugin???

If it's possible it wuould be very useful, if not, I will continue my research xD

aironeous 2009-12-23 18:43

Re: Online Video Player!! (maemo4)
Nobody cares right now. Adobe can take their sweet time releasing the next version of flash (flash10.1) and nobody here cares. Not even if you say you will pitch in money, they still don't care. I've tried making threads before getting support for open source gnash to replace reliance on Adobe releasing their next flash version whenever they feel like it (what will happen when flash 11 comes out and the whole web switches except for n900 and n910?) and the thread just dies...
Maybe wait another 2 or 3 months until there are over 100,000 users complaining about not being able to play latest version of flash and ten percent of them are developers and then maybe someone will start open source flash project so we can stop relying on Adobes idea of when we deserve to play online flash.
On another note try playing this dinosaur documentary on your N900 and see what happens?
Looks fine on mine except
It buffers for 3 seconds, then plays for 1 sec, then buffers for 4 secs, then plays for 1.5 sec and keeps going like that with no way to pause it to buffer.
I tried tapping bookmark and pulling that up and waiting for a minute and it did not work.

pinguino89 2009-12-23 21:04

Re: Online Video Player!! (maemo4)
yea I agree with one cares...i'm talking as an n800 user, to n900 user the proble ("for now!!!") is very limited...
but yes, the juice of the discussion is one cares and no developers are involved, so this tread (as the others) will die...
now we see the difference between a device with an x86 architecture (with adobe supports) ad an ARM...because is not a OS problm as more an ARCHITCTURE problem...

pheraps in a nearly future someone will have this idea to port gnash, or substitute the flv player from flash to an extarnal one (it's not critical for me to be played in the browser...)

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