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njoughin 2009-12-10 08:57

Yahoo! Mail via Nokia Messaging - Adding Folders?
Guys, searched forum to see if this was brought up before but couldn't see anything

Has anyone managed to synchronise folders they have in their Yahoo account on Nokia messaging on N900 as yet?

I have no idea even where to start to be honest, there doesn't seem to be the option like there was on my old E71...


njoughin 2009-12-10 09:04

Re: Yahoo! Mail via Nokia Messaging - Adding Folders?
to give more info i have enabled the folders through but nothing happens, looking to see if there is something i should be pressing on the device to add these folders to synch?

njoughin 2009-12-10 09:09

Re: Yahoo! Mail via Nokia Messaging - Adding Folders?
think i found a bug report saying it is fixed in next version....

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