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intofx 2009-12-12 06:56

[Maemo 5] LED Flashlight / Torch Application?
is there an app to turn on and use the camera led as a flashlight? can this be done or does the camera software override the led control?

rmoravcik 2009-12-12 07:23

Re: led flashlight

Originally Posted by intofx (Post 424099)
is there an app to turn on and use the camera led as a flashlight? can this be done or does the camera software override the led control?

I'm working on it. My N900 arrived yesterday, so I can finally test what I wrote on the real device :D

I think, I will upload very first version to extras-devel soon.

intofx 2009-12-12 08:01

Re: led flashlight
Sweet. Whats it going to be called?

Renesis 2009-12-12 16:12

Re: led flashlight

Originally Posted by rmoravcik (Post 424116)
I'm working on it. My N900 arrived yesterday, so I can finally test what I wrote on the real device :D

I think, I will upload very first version to extras-devel soon.

I hope it's a widget, a switch similar to the FM transmitter switch would be ideal!

intofx 2009-12-12 17:49

Re: led flashlight
+1 for widget

rmoravcik 2009-12-12 22:40

Re: led flashlight

Originally Posted by Renesis (Post 424492)
I hope it's a widget, a switch similar to the FM transmitter switch would be ideal!

It will be status area widget.

go1dfish 2009-12-12 22:42

Re: led flashlight
Wont this kill the LEDs since they are optimized for high intensity flashes rather than long term illumination?

rmoravcik 2009-12-12 22:55

Re: led flashlight

Originally Posted by go1dfish (Post 424919)
Wont this kill the LEDs since they are optimized for high intensity flashes rather than long term illumination?

LEDs driver can work in "torch" or "flash" modes, so I think it should be safe.

Arif 2009-12-12 23:48

Re: led flashlight
Great news :)

go1dfish 2009-12-13 00:03

Re: led flashlight

Originally Posted by rmoravcik (Post 424933)
LEDs driver can work in "torch" or "flash" modes, so I think it should be safe.

Awesome, but would still be good to get some official confirmation from Nokia on potential implications of this.

But I'd say the fact that it's exposed via the included driver is a good sign that it should be safe.

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