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Phonix 2009-12-15 11:24

Deliveries in Sweden (Retailers)
Well not the best of news but as of today old and new customers of 3 can pre-order their Nokia N900 from 3's webpage, on the specific n900 page they have stated that the deliviry date is week 3 2010 so no n900 before christmas for us 3 users :(

I would think that the same applies to the other retailers here in Sweden aswell, one can only hope that some retailstore get it in before v3.

Phonix 2010-01-11 21:05

Re: Deliveries in Sweden (Retailers)
Just updating this thread, as of today's check, the phonehouse think they will have it at a maximum of a month but probly at the end of january, at the 3 store they said that i will probly come on in the stores the same week they get it in stock meaning probly week 3, just 1 week away :)

HeinzHarald 2010-01-16 12:29

Re: Deliveries in Sweden (Retailers)
I ordered from this week and got it in 2 days.

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