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asidana 2009-12-18 19:13

tracert on xterminal?
i found that ping and nslookup there but traceroute not. is it different command or not exist on maemo5.

also what are the other usefull commands?


fnordianslip 2009-12-18 19:25

Re: tracert on xterminal?
I think you need to install it, can't remember which repo it was in, but the command to invoke it is the full "traceroute".

texaslabrat 2009-12-18 19:31

Re: tracert on xterminal?
dunno if this is helpful or not...

R-R 2009-12-18 19:52

Re: tracert on xterminal?

Originally Posted by texaslabrat (Post 433768)

thanks... I'm wondering how come i don't see it with apt-cache search traceroute with testing and devel activated though. :)

kwotski 2009-12-18 19:57

Re: tracert on xterminal?
You need to activate another repo, I think.

See the links in my post here: for how to do that.

Edit: actually, it's best to do this where you can, because install via dpkg doesn't apply the rules that delete stuff installed into /usr/share/doc/ as apt-get and the package manager do. If you do install via dpkg, take a look at /var/lib/dpkg/info/<package>.list and see what's been put where. With rootfs space so critical, it pays to be very careful..

Anyway, if you install the tools repo, I think you should see stuff like traceroute returned from apt-cache search.

MrGrim 2009-12-18 20:01

Re: tracert on xterminal?
Just for lolz, try to copy over the tracert program from a desktop distro
I'll upload one if you don't have it

fatalsaint 2009-12-18 20:05

Re: tracert on xterminal?

Originally Posted by MrGrim (Post 433790)
Just for lolz, try to copy over the tracert program from a desktop distro
I'll upload one if you don't have it

It would need to be one that was compiled for the ARM/ARMEL processor, I believe.

f4b3r 2009-12-18 20:48

Re: tracert on xterminal?
if you enable tools repo you should be able to see it with apt-cache search and install it with apt-get

MrGrim 2009-12-18 20:51

Re: tracert on xterminal?

Originally Posted by fatalsaint (Post 433792)
It would need to be one that was compiled for the ARM/ARMEL processor, I believe.

DOH! (faceslap)

christoph 2009-12-18 21:07

Re: tracert on xterminal?
hav a look at
there is mtr-tiny in that repository which is far better than traceroute. I built it and it works great.
But be careful. This is my personal repository. Ther is some crap in there too.

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