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shan 2009-12-20 04:30

N900 charging problem
Hey guys,

My phone is not charging while its on....i can only charge through the wall charger when the phone is turned off....any way i can fix this?


shan 2009-12-20 05:30

Re: N900 charging problem

Apox 2009-12-20 10:26

Re: N900 charging problem
I don't have a N900, but I have read about similar problems in this thread:

Hope it helps :)

BobCraig 2011-02-13 15:53

Re: N900 charging problem
My N900 occasionally refuses to charge doesn't charge - very inconvenient given that I frequently travel. DEAFENING SILENCE FROM NOKIA .... I thought this was meant to be a flagship mobile not a submarine. Come on Nokia how about some action???:( :(

felbutss 2011-03-02 05:04

Re: N900 charging problem
I noticed this last week. my phone chargers fine on a pc and wall charger but when i use i charger charger it doesnt charge..

the only way to charge in a car is to turn the phone off. plug it in. let it charge then turn it on. happened out of nowhere. trying to find a fix

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