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hobx 2009-12-20 10:29

After 24 Hours with the N900...
So, I (by complete surprise) managed to pick up an N900 yesterday in store at a electronics store. They had them in stock for one day and had already sold out, so I got the display copy. Not somethign I'll usually do, but in this case I couldn't wait. :)

So, after having it for almost a only complaint is I wish it was waterproof, as I will have to have a shower at some point and so far the N900 hasn't left my side. ;)

In all seriousness, this is the device I've been waiting for for many years. My personal computing experience started with Palm Pilots and moved onto iPaqs and various other devices. Phones eventually started picking up the functionality of that, and my last phone was an N95 which was an excellent phone.

However, the Iphone was released months after I got the N95 and from then on, it just looked old. I've watched with interest as phones have come and gone (the HTC droid was high on my list) but nothing ever caught my eye. (Was never going to get an iphone, I hate their close sauce mentality). So, finally the N900 came rolling around and having purchased it, I'm thrilled. More playing is order as I have yet to even drop down into the linux subsystem and shell!

A techies dream. :)

aironeous 2009-12-20 10:39

Re: After 24 Hours with the N900...
There are waterproof protecters (rain guard) that surround the phone with clear plastic and strap to your wrist so you can still use the touch screen, which they sell on ebay.
They are Chinese mass manufactured but you could try one out with a cheaper model phone and see if they work.
.......I'm just saying.

hobx 2009-12-20 10:42

Re: After 24 Hours with the N900...
Well, I was joking really about the shower thing. :)

optimaxxx 2009-12-20 10:45

Re: After 24 Hours with the N900...
LOL, if eel the same, but i'm not joking bout showering with it :p

hobx 2009-12-20 10:50

Re: After 24 Hours with the N900...

Originally Posted by optimaxxx (Post 435177)
LOL, if eel the same, but i'm not joking bout showering with it :p

Oh don't get me wrong, I would if i could ;) But i definitely wouldn't risk those waterproof covers! Not my new baby. :)

optimaxxx 2009-12-20 12:43

Re: After 24 Hours with the N900...
yeah, i don't think i turned it off for the first 4 days, which is why i was suddenly aggravated at the huge distances between my relaxation positions and where powerpoints are :P

MrWh1t3 2009-12-20 12:47

Re: After 24 Hours with the N900...
yeah i hear ya. it's quite the device. can't believe i even owned an iphone. haha

hobx 2009-12-20 16:25

Re: After 24 Hours with the N900...

Originally Posted by optimaxxx (Post 435246)
yeah, i don't think i turned it off for the first 4 days, which is why i was suddenly aggravated at the huge distances between my relaxation positions and where powerpoints are :P

Heh I suspect this is a common problem for N900 users. My solution was to have it plugged into my laptop. The laptop being on purely to power the N900. :D


Originally Posted by MrWh1t3 (Post 435248)
yeah i hear ya. it's quite the device. can't believe i even owned an iphone. haha

Excellent, that is good to hear from an ex iphone user. I'll look forward to shoving it in the face of the next apple poser ;)

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