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bananenfisch 2009-12-20 22:05

python script to archive all events
hey... i wrote my first small python script for the n900. it’s a command-line tool, which copies all events (SMS and IM messages, phone calls) into an extra archive DB. this way, you can store all events by running the script, before you clean up your conversations and calling-history... theres also an output of counting all events grouped by event-type...
i want to write an graphical widget and a graphical tool to browse all archived events next year... you are welcome, if anyone want to help me (i'm new on python and GTK) :-)

here is the first version of the script:

bananenfisch 2010-01-07 03:17

Re: python script to archive all events

i wrote a gtk-frontend for this script now, with some additional output options. more infos here:

hmm, im new here... should i upload my small app to the extras-devel repository??

greets from vienna,

danielwilms 2010-01-07 07:40

Re: python script to archive all events

Originally Posted by bananenfisch (Post 456706)
hmm, im new here... should i upload my small app to the extras-devel repository??

Of course, feel free to add your application to extras-devel. Makes the installing and the testing easier. There is as well a wiki page with all the information and links you need.

Cheers Daniel

Saturn 2010-01-07 23:12

Re: python script to archive all events
Looks nice from the screenshoots. Please add it to the extras (and to garage) if you got the time.

Question, if I don't clean, concequtive runs of the script will create double entries?

Thanks for sharing.

bananenfisch 2010-01-08 00:14

Re: python script to archive all events
yes, i will upload it to extras-devel and garage at the weekend...


Originally Posted by Saturn (Post 458367)
Question, if I don't clean, concequtive runs of the script will create double entries?

no, it only archive new (and changed) datasets... you only get an double entry for example, when you have an unread message, archive this, read the message, and archive again (because "is_read" flag get changed, so the data is not the same in the archive-db)...

bananenfisch 2010-01-15 15:31

Re: python script to archive all events
ok, now you can find it at extras-devel, also here:

j.s 2010-01-17 21:11

Re: python script to archive all events

Originally Posted by bananenfisch (Post 474301)
ok, now you can find it at extras-devel, also here:

Thank you for developing this much needed application.

During the first run, it displays a message that "Archive not found, copying all from el.db". I assume that this happens very quickly, but there is no indication when the copy is finished. Perhaps a message on the next line, "Copying complete" or similar would be helpful for the new, first time user. and maybe for everyone else also.

Thank you again.

bananenfisch 2010-01-17 21:24

Re: python script to archive all events
yes, thats a good point... next version will do this...
i also want to make an CSV export, and maybe other useful features... any features you request?

bananenfisch 2010-02-02 21:36

Re: python script to archive all events
ok... the new version is now in extras-testing. would be nice, if you test it :)

Saturn 2010-02-02 23:36

Re: python script to archive all events
Thanks for the new version.

Like a lot that one can delete the archive with a click. I've accumulated a lot of entries and wanted to start from scratch but i was to lazy to open the xterm.

One issue (not blocker though) I notice is that events from contacts that have more than one number the archive shows the name only for the first number. All events with the second, thrird etc number show only the number (i.e. +123456789 (+123456789) : ...)

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