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qobi 2009-12-20 23:57

unknown artist unknown album
How does Media Player determine the artist/album? Does it use CDDB? I download numerous mp3s from my desktop. I ripped them all myself ages ago under Linux (I don't recall which tool) and CDDB correctly determined all of their titles/artist/album. I transfered them to my N900 and Media Player correctly determines the title/artist/album for only about half of them. Is there a way to fix this? Perhaps manually?

smegheadz 2009-12-21 01:27

Re: unknown artist unknown album
check the ID3 tags on 1 that does display correctly vs 1 that doesn't.

halfbloodprince 2013-01-14 23:42

Re: unknown artist unknown album
Hi buddy this just happens through ape tagging just convert your track coding to id3 its a source by which your media player collects media tag details was also suffering with same problem

best way to convert all track to id3 just install itunes add files to library from your mobile or direct PC then select all tracks and right click and convert to id3 2.4and its done no more unknown errors

restart your mobile once

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