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hypnotik 2009-12-29 19:50

[Announce] - BarrioSquare - foursquare app for Maemo5
Hi guys,

I returned from my holiday on Sunday and I've started working in earnest on this app for Maemo5. The app is written in Python with Qt bindings. I've been doing development using the text editor in Ubuntu and scping the files onto the N900 to test... probably not the most efficient way to do it.

It's not quite ready for release yet, as I still need to clean up some things in the app and then figure out how to create a .deb package and the push it up to extras-devel.

However, I did update my blog with some screen shots:

I still have to sign up for a garage account and create a project page for this app.

I hope to wrap up the loose ends of the code and get a release pushed to extras-devel by 10th of January, but of course that depends on how busy I am with work.

Chapbass 2010-01-20 18:48

Re: [Announce] - BarrioSquare - foursquare app for Maemo5
Any update on this app? I'm very curious :)

hessuj 2010-02-01 06:42

Re: [Announce] - BarrioSquare - foursquare app for Maemo5
This is very cool! Thank you in advance for developing this app. Foursquare is gaining popularity also here in Finland. Any news for the app? Is it available in any repository yet?

hypnotik 2010-02-02 19:30

Re: [Announce] - BarrioSquare - foursquare app for Maemo5

Originally Posted by hessuj (Post 504665)
This is very cool! Thank you in advance for developing this app. Foursquare is gaining popularity also here in Finland. Any news for the app? Is it available in any repository yet?

It's not available in repos yet. I'm still conducting a private test group (which you can join if you want - PM me). I hope to roll it out to extras-devel by the end of February.

koko 2010-03-13 17:43

Re: [Announce] - BarrioSquare - foursquare app for Maemo5

Did you release BarrioSquare yet?
If not, could I join the private beta please?

hypnotik 2010-03-15 20:58

Re: [Announce] - BarrioSquare - foursquare app for Maemo5

Originally Posted by koko (Post 566174)

Did you release BarrioSquare yet?
If not, could I join the private beta please?

Also follow my blog for updates on the app:

I hope to post it extras-devel as soon as I can.

fraaaaanka 2010-03-15 22:50

Re: [Announce] - BarrioSquare - foursquare app for Maemo5
im watching the repo's for this one.....

hypnotik 2010-03-16 16:23

Re: [Announce] - BarrioSquare - foursquare app for Maemo5

barriosquare is now available in the extras-devel repository under "Network"

tissot 2010-03-16 16:29

Re: [Announce] - BarrioSquare - foursquare app for Maemo5
Great! Will download it right away.

fareastcoast 2010-03-16 16:55

Re: [Announce] - BarrioSquare - foursquare app for Maemo5
BarrioSquare name sketchy at best, Julio.

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