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fms 2009-12-31 19:22

New XChat build available
Hello, All!

I have just uploaded a new build of XChat to Extras-Devel non-free. It is coming to free as soon as the AutoBuilder comes back to life. Changes in this build, relative to Qwerty12's build:

1) Disabled Python support (XChat did not compile with it on SB2).
2) Disabled libsexy spellchecker (it was causing crash when exiting Settings dialog).
3) Changed text window background to black and adjusted all the other colors accordingly.
4) Moved user list to the left and collapsed it to give more space to the text window. You can always drag it back by the tab.
5) Moved channel list to the bottom, turning it into a row of small tabs. They are really convinient to flick through with your finger, too.
6) Changed text window font to a more condensed, fixed-width one, to squeeze more text and make it more readable.
7) Removed nickname tabbing to save space.
8) Moved DCC downloads directory to MyDocs/Downloads, to be compatible with Transmission.

Give it a try. Happy New Year! :)

PS: You probably want to delete /home/user/.xchat2 first.

Bratag 2009-12-31 19:34

Re: New XChat build available
Will do and thanks.

d-iivil 2009-12-31 19:40

Re: New XChat build available
Great! Just downloading and I'm surely giving feeback & voting after testing this out :)

ArnimS 2010-01-01 01:11

Re: New XChat build available
Having putzed a bit with this myself i must say THANKS and GOOD JOB. There was a (feature) void and fms said 'let there be light'.

(I don't have any compunctions about bumping-up threads about new/improved software.)

wmarone 2010-01-01 01:46

Re: New XChat build available
Speaking of xchat, do you have a repo I could check out a copy from?

jebba 2010-01-01 03:22

Re: New XChat build available
Cool. Is it optified yet?

jebba 2010-01-02 17:28

Re: New XChat build available

Originally Posted by jebba (Post 448562)
Cool. Is it optified yet?

No, it's not optified....

fms 2010-01-03 14:50

Re: New XChat build available
All right, I have just uploaded XChat build 14 to Extras-Devel. This build adds the following:
  • Optification.
  • Shift+Space will now invoke nickname completion.
  • Lagometer disabled by default, as it was causing 500ms wakeups.
  • When you enable lagometer, it will run on 1s wakeups now.
  • DCC timeout check now runs every minute (was running every second).

Overally, XChat should be way lighter on the battery now. In order to test it fully, you will have to delete /home/user/.xchat2 directory!

denix 2010-01-04 01:04

Re: New XChat build available
Nice work! Thanks.

HtheB 2010-01-04 01:15

Re: New XChat build available
now we need a tray icon like pidgin has.

so it will stay online in the background when u tap on the X.

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