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@SR 2010-01-01 18:31

QStarDict is now in Extras-testing.
Project garage page:
Documentation can be found at:
You can report bugs at:
You can start QA evaluation at:
I will be glad to provide support to the extent of my abilities. You can ask questions about QStarDict here.

jebba 2010-01-01 21:44

Re: QStarDict
Thanks! I was really hoping for something like this. It will be very useful for me. :)

jebba 2010-01-02 15:58

Re: QStarDict
By the way, the tar in Maemo can't handle *.bz2 so you can't untar in the typical way. Do it like this:


bzcat stardict-comn_dls03_cyber_lexicon_en-es-2.4.2.tar.bz2 | tar xv

oray 2010-01-02 16:36

Re: QStarDict
thank you very much!

sindhubaa 2010-01-02 17:56

Re: QStarDict
Is this work with Nokia N900?? i hve installed it to N900 thought i couldnt find any words from it.. the program is working perfectly but i cant find a single word on it?? any ideas how to make it work with N900..::confused:

turist 2010-01-02 18:03

Re: QStarDict
Funny story, I'm working with Tomas Dominikowski on Qstardict as well and it was almost ready 1 month ago. It's a pitty I got sick and could not finish the work. All source code with maemo changes is at Stardict's svn at garage, please check it. I'll also check your changes. I think we should not have two separate projects for this program as they are almost equal.

Tomaszd 2010-01-02 18:21

Re: QStarDict
We are a bit further along in the project, I've optified the package, added required Maemo fields, Eugene (turist) is changing the interface to be more touch-friendly, I'll try concepting the UI. But we want to release something that works very soon.

Actually, the same day that I wanted to upload our package to devel, I noticed qstardict already in the queue, so I was a bit "late". Anyway, we don't want to compete, we'd rather work together.

Since this is basically a fork of QStardict for Frementle, we're also planning to change the name, are you with us @SR?

quangmach 2010-01-02 18:22

Re: QStarDict

Originally Posted by sindhubaa (Post 450100)
Is this work with Nokia N900?? i hve installed it to N900 thought i couldnt find any words from it.. the program is working perfectly but i cant find a single word on it?? any ideas how to make it work with N900..::confused:

just download dictionary file and extract it to any folder on N900,then go to QStarDict -> Config -> Plugins -> stardict press a setting icon then press PLUS to add your dictionaries folder....DONE :)

sindhubaa 2010-01-02 18:36

Re: QStarDict
how to install database file to QStarDict on Nokia N900

jebba 2010-01-02 19:12

Re: QStarDict

Originally Posted by sindhubaa (Post 450149)
how to install database file to QStarDict on Nokia N900

Grab dictionaries here:

Or here:

Make a directory and put the .bz2 files you download into /home/user/MyDocs/dict. Then you need to untar them.


mkdir /home/user/MyDocs/dict


bzcat stardict-comn_sdict05_eng-spa-2.4.2.tar.bz2 | tar xv

Then in the qdictstar settings, select the "dict" directory and qstardict will use them. It searches subdirectories automatically.

Good luck. Would be nice if this could be done within the program as this is going to be a stumbling block for many users. Or even better, make .debs of various dictionaries and users can just install them to /opt/qstardict/dicts or somesuch.

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