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DeboX 2010-01-01 22:11

D-pad vs Arrow keys??
which is better (for gaming) and for that mater why?

Consider it this way Moto Milestone /Droid vs Nokia N900

Keep in mind this is concerning phones not handheld game consoles and such.

Laughing Man 2010-01-01 22:19

Re: D-pad vs Arrow keys??
Considering the Droid's keyboard and Dpad isn't that great (from what I've tried).

I prefer the n800's dpad over the keys. But that's because they're bigger and on the face of the device with the screen.

DeboX 2010-01-01 22:30

Re: D-pad vs Arrow keys??
what about the Dpad on the n97?

Cadabena 2010-01-01 22:30

Re: D-pad vs Arrow keys??
Why do you think all games consoles in the past 25 years or so have had d-pads? It just gives much better control, and as the keys are evenly spaced you won't be passing over other keys to press the button you want. With arrows, you've got down sitting in the way of left and right.

Rushmore 2010-01-01 22:41

Re: D-pad vs Arrow keys??
D-pad on Droid is worthless. If the arrow keys were more spaced on the N900 so that two keys can be pressed to emulate diagonals (or allow mapping for diagonals) the N900 keys would be fine for a no d-pad option (d-pad better though). Mapping would be the simple (logical) solution. Works OK on Droid, but N900 KB is better. The only keys that are arranged for decent multi key presses is the G1. N900 is too easy to hit the start key, based on current key mapping.

Using screen controls for diagonals and keyboard for other movement on old school games is not the best option for control. Mapping the keys is. Even Nokia in their infamous video that got Nintendo mad showed this as the recommended way;)

Laughing Man 2010-01-01 22:50

Re: D-pad vs Arrow keys??

Originally Posted by DeboX (Post 449316)
what about the Dpad on the n97?

Never had any of the Nokia phone devices besides this random expressmusic phone I got with my TMobile contract. That one had a dpad but it was terrible. Worst I've ever seen lol.

DeboX 2010-01-01 23:03

Re: D-pad vs Arrow keys??
Why is the D-pad on the driod deemed as soo bad ?? (haven't tried it my self, so just curious)

Rushmore 2010-01-02 05:31

Re: D-pad vs Arrow keys??

Originally Posted by DeboX (Post 449351)
Why is the D-pad on the driod deemed as soo bad ?? (haven't tried it my self, so just curious)

1. Flat
2. Odd shape
3. Very stiff movement (slow & sometimes unresponsive)
4. Right movement is badly hindered due to the rim being next to and flush with it- no space. Right movement is nearly impossible to do consistently and hurts the thumb trying. This is coming from a Marine.
5. Diagonals are also only possible for left side for same reason as item 4.

Seems like the d-pad was added as an afterthought and the device would have been much better with a bigger keyboard with the space.

Thor 2010-01-02 18:38

Re: D-pad vs Arrow keys??
rather than everyone concentrating on the arrow keys, why not try the whole block of 9 buttons on the right side with the diagonals? This would require remapping, so hopefully things like emulators allow manual remapping. User-defineable keys also make it easier to port anywhere else, as well as newer and older machines.

biggzy 2010-01-02 18:42

Re: D-pad vs Arrow keys??
the d-pad on the n97 was very nice to use even tho it was on the left and im right handed, was sort of soft to press, best d-pad iv used on a device.
Past devices inc n70, n80, n95, n96, n85, 6120c, 6220c

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