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mas5acre 2010-01-02 20:42

Pinball game where tilt is encouraged? acclerometer?
I've had this idea for a long time and don't really know how to code. I always wanted a pinball game where tilting is encouraged. I surprised theres not one already out for iphone/itouch. Hell, I'd even call it Tilt! I know dumb idea. But I thought something might be cool. I love pinball games. The game would need more places to lose the ball than a standard pinball game cause it would be to easy to save it.
I don't knw, watever.

noobmonkey 2010-01-02 20:56

Re: Pinball game where tilt is encouraged? acclerometer?

Originally Posted by mas5acre (Post 450299)
I've had this idea for a long time and don't really know how to code. I always wanted a pinball game where tilting is encouraged. I surprised theres not one already out for iphone/itouch. Hell, I'd even call it Tilt. I know dumb idea. But I thought something might be cool. I love pinball games. The game would need more places to lose the ball than a standard pinball game cause it would be to easy to save it.
I don't knw, watever.

Ooo not a bad idea :) - would be worth really thinking about it, and getting some ideas here - then creating a brainstorm :)

Take a look at how another game proposal developed over here :)

I think pinball could suit the accelerometer :) - or a similar type of game :)

DaSilva 2010-01-25 09:55

Re: Pinball game where tilt is encouraged? acclerometer?
I would like to see a port of or for the N900 and maybe someone could integrate your feature to it (or build an own pinball game!).

dalonso 2010-01-25 10:59

Re: Pinball game where tilt is encouraged? acclerometer?

I have recently been thinking in such a game. Unfortunately I have not found the spare time to do anything but thinking ;-)

Anyway, box2d ( should be fine for the physics. In fact there are already some pinball games, indeed in flash, taking profit of that API.

What I thought it could be really great is if the canvas could be designed using SVG with, for example, Inkscape. Many of the physics parameters for controlling box2d could be embedded as node proporties in the SVG (slope, resistance, elasticity, spring, ...)

That way with only one engine, people would be able to design, emulate many different pinball machines.

misterm 2010-01-31 20:52

Re: Pinball game where tilt is encouraged? acclerometer?
Pinball should definitely on the N900.


Kajko 2010-02-01 01:09

Re: Pinball game where tilt is encouraged? acclerometer?
Count me in as a pinball fan who would love to see it on the N900.

Catacylsm 2010-02-02 22:52

Re: Pinball game where tilt is encouraged? acclerometer?
Agreed, i'd like to see this happen,

Also pong and prehaps the game where you have to destroy the bricks, you could run this nicely off the accel.... im sure its accurate enough to tell slow and fast. :)

lazart 2011-09-25 20:09

Re: Pinball game where tilt is encouraged? acclerometer?
I'd love a pinball game, too. like pinball fantasies or slamtilt on the amiga 500/1200 :)
but nothing seems to have happened :(

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