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mag4you 2010-01-06 21:04

Mer bootmenu installer doesn't include *.item files
It seems that the Mer bootmenu installer won't include *.item files in /etc/bootmenu.d .

After flashing initfs, the Bootmenu shows only entries for INT p2 and EXT p3 and not the entries defined in /etc/bootmenu.d (for booting Mer from INT p3).
But they were copied to /mnt/initfs/etc/bootmenu.d

I tried to entry the script, but the file is write protected.
So I copied it to /etc/bootmenu.conf and the Mer bootloader script asked me to include.
After rebooting it freezed while displaying the loading screen of the bootmenu ("Press home button for advanced menu options").
I had to reflash initfs.

Has anyone an idea how to get it booting INT p3?

Stskeeps 2010-01-06 21:09

Re: Mer bootmenu installer doesn't include *.item files
Did you use penguinbait's bootmenu in past? If so, try running bootmenu installer after you reflashed initfs.

mag4you 2010-01-06 21:11

Re: Mer bootmenu installer doesn't include *.item files
Nope. But I will try it again.


No it still doesn't work.

mag4you 2010-01-06 21:39

Re: Mer bootmenu installer doesn't include *.item files
This is how I edited the second menu item in bootmenu.conf:


MENU_2_NAME="Internal MMC card, partition 3, ext3"
MENU_2_MODULES="mbcache jbd ext3"

mag4you 2010-01-07 18:52

Re: Mer bootmenu installer doesn't include *.item files
Has anyone an idea what I did wrong?

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