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Tupss 2010-01-07 08:56

N900 screen not bright enough!!!
I find that the screen just isnt bright enough. If i sat it next to my ipod touch that is on half brightness level and the n900 on full. It just sucks. Some more brightness will make the screen alot nicer.

- No ovi store
- No User friendly apps
- Bugs
- No innovative stuff
- Device too thick and heavy and still it misses a lot.

This is making me a little bit shakey, seeing what google offers with nexus one. I hope nokia does something right with the FW otherwise im feeling screwed for having such a painfull contract for it.


zapacit 2010-01-07 09:01

Re: N900 screen not bright enough!!!
huh .. turn ur brightness on and ull drain the damn battery fast !

Tupss 2010-01-07 09:25

Re: N900 screen not bright enough!!!
No man my battery is one of the better ones i geuss... goes pretty long but i still want a liver screen .. would make the browsing even more amazing.

jaem 2010-01-07 09:30

Re: N900 screen not bright enough!!!

Originally Posted by Tupss (Post 456921)
- No ovi store
- No User friendly apps
- Bugs
- No innovative stuff
- Device too thick and heavy and still it misses a lot.

Way to be constructive... :/
You'll get a lot further if you make meaningful criticisms, or if you offer suggestions on how to improve it (bugtracker/brainstorm).
-What exactly does "No User friendly apps" mean? How are you measuring how "user friendly" they are? It stands to reason that a given interface design won't suit everyone, but I've seen very few things (maybe two) that I could see being Bad in general. Furthermore, have you tried every single app available, or are you just making sweeping generalizations?
- "Bugs": Yes, it has bugs. Everything has bugs. Things that are brand new usually have a lot of bugs. If you find a new bug (e.g. search first), you can file it on the public bug tracker (, and follow its progress. If you do, realize that saying "this sucks" will - if anything - make the developers less inclined to fix it fast. From what I've seen and heard, the Maemo team has been working like crazy to fix a lot of those bugs.
- "No innovative stuff": Again, a generalization. Do you mean hardware? Software? What? The amount of flexibility it provides is essentially unprecedented as far as mass-market phones go, and that means that innovation can be done by the community at large, as well. For that matter, this is Nokia's first Open Source phone, which in itself is a pretty impressive move for a large company.
- "Device too thick and heavy and still it misses a lot" Yeah, it has a bit of weight to it, and it's thicker than some - but I haven't seen many phones with similar hardware that are much smaller.

Honestly, if you don't like your phone, then sell it -- or deal with it. Ranting on the community forums won't make your phone more to your liking, and it just annoys people like me who end up reading your posts. However, given the Open nature of this phone, you could do something constructive instead. If you find a bug, report it. If you have a concrete feature request, file it on Brainstorm. If you don't know how to do something, then ask. Heck - if you really want to, you could even convince/pay a geek you know to work on something for you. But please... if you don't like it, and want to complain about... go somewhere else. We're happy to help you and take your input, but this sort of post is just frustrating.

RevdKathy 2010-01-07 11:23

Re: N900 screen not bright enough!!!
Have you checked what setting you have the brightness on? If you are getting brilliant battery time, it may be that your screen is set to low brightness already.

benny1967 2010-01-07 11:35

Re: N900 screen not bright enough!!!
I think it's too bright, even on the lowest setting. :(

RDJEHV 2010-01-07 12:45

Re: N900 screen not bright enough!!!
As I don't have an iphone I compared the maximum brightness with that of the n95. I can see no difference. do we know anything quantitative about the power consumption of the screens? (Maybe the iphone is brighter, it only has to power half of the pixels the n900 has to do.)

TA-t3 2010-01-07 13:07

Re: N900 screen not bright enough!!!
Hm. The issue I've had with brightness, right from the start, is that's the settings aren't fine-grained enough. I usually have it at 4, which is too dark, but 5 is way too bright.

ndi 2010-01-07 17:41

Re: N900 screen not bright enough!!!

Originally Posted by TA-t3 (Post 457234)
Hm. The issue I've had with brightness, right from the start, is that's the settings aren't fine-grained enough. I usually have it at 4, which is too dark, but 5 is way too bright.

Really? I find one to be too dark, but 2 is nice. By three, I can see the battery draining and by 5 it's just burning my eyes. Colors are washed out. I can see the screen reflecting off my eyeballs!

Seriously though, by 4 I feel it's a bit too dark. Indoors it stays on 2/5, and I sometimed push it to 3/5 when watching high quality video to enhance the details in the dark.

Also where do you live? Sakkara?

Oh and, I doubled my battery life going from 3 to 2 so we might have slightly different hardware as well. What theme? I have the blue splash N series.

schettj 2010-01-07 19:05

Re: N900 screen not bright enough!!!

Originally Posted by Tupss (Post 456921)
I find that the screen just isnt bright enough. If i sat it next to my ipod touch that is on half brightness level and the n900 on full. It just sucks. Some more brightness will make the screen alot nicer.

Completely different screen technologies. The n900 is exactly as bright as any other resistive screen, and just as hard to read in full sun as any other.

Its hard to expect it to be any different since its a function of the extra layer between the outer layer of plastic and the inner layer of glass (vs just a glass screen with a capacitive coating for the iPhone)

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