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radiowc 2010-01-07 17:45

Does the Nokia N900 really have so many problems?
Hello to all N900 owner.....

a) Is Nokia N900 really have so many problem?? when you took it out straight from the box to use it for the first time?

b) Or just because you are the unluckily one who got the bad unit?

c) or Just because you are a novice users trying to do something fancy on the unit?

d) or it is the nature of this device?

e) or something else?

fatalsaint 2010-01-07 17:48

Re: Is Nokia N900 really have so many problems?
I do not have an N900.. but I have educated myself on it quite well... the answers to your questions are:

Yes, Yes
and Yes.

Hope that helps :D

pwngu!n 2010-01-07 17:52

Re: Is Nokia N900 really have so many problems?
What one person classifies as a problem, another might not. Research for yourself and make your own mind up. I am personally very happy with my device, but YMMV.

colnago 2010-01-07 17:53

Re: Is Nokia N900 really have so many problems?
Aside from the USB port coming out on my first 900, both of my 900s functioned properly both harware and software wise.

dalonso 2010-01-07 17:55

Re: Is Nokia N900 really have so many problems?
I got my N900 15 days ago. Since then I have experienced only 2 of the problems being reported through the forums:

1) Occasional power-offs (only 2 or 3 of them).
2) Bad front camera image quality (not a problem at all as no official application is currently using it).

So I can consider myself a very lucky person because of:
1) No reboots.
2) My battery lasts for long indeed when using 3G or wifi
3) Excellent camera quality. My friends are really amazed about the images I'm taking with a mobile phone.
4) No problems at all with the quality of the usb port

In resume, I can't seriously believe that I'm a so lucky person, so I must suppose that something has been improved in the production procedure as for the last batches and the units being delivered are of higher quality.

I'm very happy of having bouth my N900.

volt 2010-01-07 17:58

Re: Is Nokia N900 really have so many problems?
There is quite a few problems with the N900, yes. The USB port clearly being one of them.

This is sort of balanced by the N900 being clearly the best product on the market on other respects.

So it's a pros/cons thing. Bugs, problems vs features, features.

gerbick 2010-01-07 18:00

Re: Is Nokia N900 really have so many problems?

Originally Posted by pwngu!n (Post 457682)
What one person classifies as a problem, another might not. Research for yourself and make your own mind up. I am personally very happy with my device, but YMMV.

I think that the place where you charge your N900 actually coming loose or coming out is indeed a problem. It doesn't seem to be widespread yet; time will tell.

The rest of the "problems" listed out on this site though... I'd start and stop with the user.

fatalsaint 2010-01-07 18:02

Re: Is Nokia N900 really have so many problems?

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 457702)
I think that the place where you charge your N900 actually coming loose or coming out is indeed a problem. It doesn't seem to be widespread yet; time will tell.

The rest of the "problems" listed out on this site though... I'd start and stop with the user.

No.. Reboot loops and a general consensus that the Map software kinda sucks.. are not user related. Albeit, that second could be user perspective - but it's a perspective shared by many.

My post was still the most accurate I think. There have been problems of every type listed in the OP.

gerbick 2010-01-07 18:06

Re: Is Nokia N900 really have so many problems?

Originally Posted by fatalsaint (Post 457707)
No.. Reboot loops and a general consensus that the Map software kinda sucks.. are not user related. Albeit, that second could be user perspective - but it's a perspective shared by many.

My post was still the most accurate I think. There have been problems of every type listed in the OP.

After getting dragged into a 4 page argument with some "user" here about how random reboots is not an unique problem... I hope you see my point about how "users" are a problem ;)

schettj 2010-01-07 18:07

Re: Is Nokia N900 really have so many problems?
I'd say the initial firmware did not fare well when encountering actual users, so most of the glaringly horrible software-related issues (reboots or other total fall over dead problems) will be addressed in the next firmware.

There are other functionality shortcomings very common with brand new products that will likely take more then one firmware rev (and/or some third party software) to work out, but none of them are even remotely insurmountable, or would require anything as horrific as jailbreaking on an iPhone ;)

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