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tremby 2010-01-07 18:14

UK's Three network
I have read in multiple places on the web that the N900 has problems with Sim cards from the UK's Three network. I have read that they've internally patched the problem but can't find an answer for whether or not there has been a release since then.

Can anyone confirm whether or not the problem is fixed in the latest release?

noobmonkey 2010-01-07 18:17

Re: UK's Three network

Originally Posted by tremby (Post 457746)
I have read in multiple places on the web that the N900 has problems with Sim cards from the UK's Three network. I have read that they've internally patched the problem but can't find an answer for whether or not there has been a release since then.

Can anyone confirm whether or not the problem is fixed in the latest release?

Some people have it working, some do not. I think the expectation is the firmware (Due soon, but not released yet) will fix it.

Keir 2010-01-07 19:58

Re: UK's Three network
it's been patched and we're just waiting for the firmware update.

tremby 2010-03-04 12:00

Re: UK's Three network
Well, I got my N900 a few days ago and after updating the firmware it's working just fine.

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