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zehjotkah 2010-01-08 14:39


chainreaction 2010-01-08 16:35

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
This looks promising. Any info if the application itself is optified? Putting the game data on MMC is a good thing though.

zehjotkah 2010-01-08 16:39

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by chainreaction (Post 459471)
This looks promising. Any info if the application itself is optified? Putting the game data on MMC is a good thing though.

I don't know if it is optified. but it's only 600kb big...

Rob1n 2010-01-08 16:47

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
No, it's not optified. It installs a 1.6M binary into /usr/bin (that'll be compressed somewhat though).

Bratag 2010-01-08 19:14

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
This makes me happy in the pants region. Love warcraft.

Frank Banul 2010-01-08 19:23

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
It's actually more than that I think. Unless I'm mistaken, /media/mmc1/ is in the root which is where you copy all of the data that wargus extracts (another 16M). Maybe this is only true if you don't have a memory card installed?

Shouldn't this be installing and pointing to /home/opt? If you're going to hard code anyway, put it someplace nice. Change /media/mmc1 to /home/opt and that will get a majority out of the root.


Originally Posted by Rob1n (Post 459492)
No, it's not optified. It installs a 1.6M binary into /usr/bin (that'll be compressed somewhat though).


Anunakin 2010-01-08 19:23

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
I got right click and middle click emulated on my N810, with stratagus, if any wants it looks at my blog...

Sopwith 2010-01-08 19:31

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Great news; I loved Warcraft 2.

Does anyone know if the AI of Stratagus has evolved in the past years? I believe it is different than the original WC one -- last time I played against the computer, it was way too easy to beat and thus no fun...

Of course, I can also play against humans in network...

Rob1n 2010-01-08 19:42

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by Frank Banul (Post 459805)
It's actually more than that I think. Unless I'm mistaken, /media/mmc1/ is in the root which is where you copy all of the data that wargus extracts (another 16M). Maybe this is only true if you don't have a memory card installed?

Shouldn't this be installing and pointing to /home/opt? If you're going to hard code anyway, put it someplace nice. Change /media/mmc1 to /home/opt and that will get a majority out of the root.

If you don't have a memory card installed then yes, you'll want to install the data to /home/opt/games/stratagus and put a symlink into /media/mmc1.

fatalsaint 2010-01-08 19:48

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
This is awesome! I love warcraft! Need starcraft too (I know.. windows only).

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