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dongzhe 2010-01-11 07:52

I have download virtual image (1.2G) to my windows pc. i choosed to store this file to a folder which is read only!!!!! so when download is finished. it give me a error. "can not save to read only file" .

i know the file is downloaded to my pc somewhere in some kind of tmp folders , does any one know how to get it?

noobmonkey 2010-01-11 08:52

Re: help!!!
Do an advanced search for any files created in the last day? Shouldnt be too many - then sort by size :)

dongzhe 2010-01-11 12:24

Re: help!!!
i have searched nothing found

SubCore 2010-01-11 12:29

Re: help!!!
start -> run -> %temp%

(or type %temp% in the explorer address bar)

this should take you to your current temp folder. maybe it's saved under another, temporary name, so check for date / file size as well.

edit: oh, and please change the thread title to be more accurate. also, "Fremantle" doesn't seem to be the right subforum for this :)

Rob1n 2010-01-11 12:37

Re: help!!!
Also, what browser are you using? IE should download to:

C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
whereas Firefox probably downloads to %TEMP% as SubCore says.

MrGrim 2010-01-11 12:40

Re: help!!!
If in firefox, go to tools>downloads. Right-click on your file
If 'open' and 'open containing folder' are grayed out, you're out of luck. You have to download again
For large files, you should use a download manager. Just google for one

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