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That One Guy 2010-01-12 22:44

WTF, Over? I don't know what happened here...
1 Attachment(s)
Can someone please let me know what the highlited folder should be named?

I don't know how in hell the folder changed names to the same name of the boot video I'm using.

I'm pretty sure I did it, but can't think of how, though. I'm fairly well versed in renaming files and folders.

Only thing I can think of, I copied the .avi file name to paste into the /etc/hildon-welcome.d/default.con file, but somehow it renamed that highlighted folder in the picture.

I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me what the folder name should be.


b-man 2010-01-12 22:47

Re: WTF, Over? I don't know what happened here...
what are the contents of that folder?

chainreaction 2010-01-12 22:49

Re: WTF, Over? I don't know what happened here...
The only difference seems to be that you don't have /usr and /usr has the same filesize in my configuration.

EDIT: my /usr contents are the following

That One Guy 2010-01-12 22:51

Re: WTF, Over? I don't know what happened here...
Chainreaction, this is what I was thinking as well. /usr wasn't to be found anywhere in that picture.

I remembered I had actually done a file tree to a txt file a while back, and I have just finished going through it.

I too, am pretty sure it's /usr tha tI'm missing.

Thank you.

FreddyFish 2010-01-12 22:52

Re: WTF, Over? I don't know what happened here...
Yep you must have somehow renamed your /usr directory to.. well, that. It's the only directory missing, compared to what I have.

andree 2010-01-12 22:54

Re: WTF, Over? I don't know what happened here...
uh, aren't you missing the /usr directory there? interesting stuff your mobile still works if it's the case indeed... well, that's the price you pay for if you use root account without doublechecking what you're doing .)

That One Guy 2010-01-12 22:56

Re: WTF, Over? I don't know what happened here...

Originally Posted by andree (Post 467339)
uh, aren't you missing the /usr directory there? interesting stuff your mobile still works if it's the case indeed... well, that's the price you pay for if you use root account without doublechecking what you're doing .)

I just re-uploaded that boot video, and had done the changes in the default.conf just before I realized that monumental fugg-up. Thankfully...

As far as the price to pay? I completely agree with you. Thankfully, I'm not as daft as I look, most of the time. :D

That One Guy 2010-01-13 22:31

Re: WTF, Over? I don't know what happened here...
Update... not that anyone REALLY cares, I'm sure. :D

Either the /usr directory name change back from the .avi name didn't take, because as soon as I left my house to run an errand, the phone started rebooting. It would boot to the stand-by screen, and the part where the signal, batt status and time didn't shouw anything. Then, about 30 seconds later, it would reboot. It was laggy as hell, couldn't even open xTerm quick enough to check that the /usr directory had indeed been changed properly.

Or, it may have been the mce.ini file which I was experimenting with... But I uploaded the same changes to it after I re-flashed it, and it seems stable.

Point of the lesson? Be careful what you change, and where. If you're a n00b, read, re-read, and then read one more time, before you change stuff. In my case, I had a good feeling the phone might "brick" when I was experimenting with the mce.ini file, but I also had a pretty good idea on how to flash.

The best part though? I re-flashed the phone in a FRY's electronics parking lot after buying a USB-MicroUSB cable, since I didn't have the one that came with the phone in my pick-up truck.

I LOVE being able to fix a screw-up like that on "the road", as it were.

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