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vietn900 2010-01-13 01:45

N900 contact help
Here's my problem: I want to display only SIM contacts (phone contacts only) in my contact list instead of all my IM account contacts + Sim contacts. Yes, I know you can hit at the top select and sim only but once you exit the application and go back in it still display all contacts.

So, is there a way to do this some how? (yes I've search around but couldn't find anything relevant to this matter)

bitziz 2010-01-13 02:53

Re: N900 contact help
you can't really... unless you remove all your IM accounts it will show all the contacts together. the "feature" of N900 is the integrated contact list.

vietn900 2010-01-13 04:14

Re: N900 contact help
aw.. i hate going through all thso wierd nick

lfcobra 2010-01-13 05:03

Re: N900 contact help
if you dont like looking at the wierd nicks cant you edit their contact card with the correct name? I know this doesnt solve the problem of mixing im and sim contact but at least instead of seeing weird screennames you see actual names. Just a thought.

vietn900 2010-01-13 06:26

Re: N900 contact help
yea but the thing is that ... i have too many about 300 of them ... i dont even know who is who anymore unless they IM me lol

edit: what im trying to say is that i just want my phone contacts seperated from IM instead of integrated like this ... too bad there's no Y! messenger app yet it would solve the problem :)

salcykhan 2010-08-11 03:07

Re: N900 contact help
i also have same problem

i have like 400 conact on gtlak, as you all know gmail add every contact whom you send email too. and then it also added my ORKUT contact too.

well i want too look a friend i have to look for one person in 400 people to dial..

i wish they have spreate contact list from gsm and IM contact

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