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forcer 2010-01-14 22:14

[Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor
Angry birds level editor thread

description & url:

level decompiler:

levels are in /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/

noobmonkey 2010-01-14 22:15

Re: Angry Birds Level editor

Originally Posted by forcer (Post 472386)
I bet you would for sure want level editor for AngryBirds.
I think it's perfectly possible to do it, I just need some help on level files.
Every level file is a compiled lua file, that could be decompiled and edited, however those lua files seem to have modified chunks(header), so conventional decompilers do not work.

Is there someone skilled enough to help with this problem? I guess only few bytes need to be changed to decompile it successfully..

illegal to decompile i'm guessing? - rovio may not be impressed? just a guess?

Edit - it's about time i changed this post!!! - Good on rovio for such a good sense of fairness and allowing this to happen :)

aniMAL_ 2010-01-14 22:18

Re: Angry Birds Level editor
It would be illegal unless Rovio gave you permission or they released an SDK themselves which is unlikely if they can continue to make a small, but steady stream of money from level packs.

Bec 2010-01-14 22:43

Re: Angry Birds Level editor

Originally Posted by noobmonkey (Post 472394)
illegal to decompile i'm guessing? - rovio may not be impressed? just a guess?

How about contacting them?

It's not like some more cash could do any harm before angry birds 2 :rolleyes:

Maybe they'll consider the suggestion.

forcer 2010-01-14 22:56

Re: Angry Birds Level editor
yeah for sure, if they release the level editor I would pay for it, but yeah, legalness of the 3rd party editor is problematic.

msa 2010-01-14 23:27

Re: Angry Birds Level editor
write a nice email to rovio, i guess :D

i'm pretty sure they are not going to get rich with this game on a long shot, so they might as well provide some user-service by releasing a level-editor to keep the game alive.

ndi 2010-01-14 23:49

Re: Angry Birds Level editor
IMO it's not impossible. They are definitely not getting richer with the level pack, but opening the editor could make the game huge and Birds 2 (4?) would actually be a game worth a buck or two with a large userbase.

Especially if the game is a success, levels could appear anyway after a while.

forcer 2010-01-15 00:41

Re: Angry Birds Level editor
I have sent them a email, hopefully we will get some feedback on the idea...

kopte3 2010-01-15 03:05

Re: Angry Birds Level editor
There is a guy with username Miika on this forum, he works for Rovio, maybe we could send him a message to participate in this thread?

Okay, i'm gonna send him a message.

Sent. :)

stobbsc 2010-01-15 15:27

Re: Angry Birds Level editor
this sounds like something that would be awesome, holding thumbs

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