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d-iivil 2010-01-16 09:43

Where are default theme-files stored?
Title says it all; I'd like to edit digital life -theme for my own personal use :)

qwerty12 2010-01-16 09:44

Re: Where are default theme-files stored?

If you happen to have the theme currently applied, /etc/hildon/theme is a symlink pointing to the currently applied theme.

d-iivil 2010-01-16 10:18

Re: Where are default theme-files stored?
Thanks, I already looked there and saw no folder names like theme names. So which one of these is digital life:

/usr/share/themes # ls
Default Emacs Raleigh alpha beta default

joppu 2010-01-16 10:22

Re: Where are default theme-files stored?
It's beta if I recall correctly :)

qwerty12 2010-01-16 10:26

Re: Where are default theme-files stored?
Open the index.theme file in each folder and you'll find out the name.

qwerty12 2010-01-16 10:31

Re: Where are default theme-files stored?

for i in `ls`; do cat $i/index.theme 2>/dev/null | grep GtkTheme | cut -d= -f2; cat $i/index.theme 2>/dev/null | grep Name | cut -d= -f2; done
^ There. My horrible shell construct awaits you. :) Run that in the /usr/share/themes folder and you'll get the folder name followed by the name shown in the theme changer window.

joppu 2010-01-16 10:34

Re: Where are default theme-files stored?
It's the beta folder, I double checked.

d-iivil 2010-01-16 10:41

Re: Where are default theme-files stored?
aah, great and thanks qwerty :)

*rolls up sleeves and fires up photoshop*

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