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EvoXLover 2010-01-17 03:42

Bluetooth problem w/ Jawbone Prime
Okay Bluetooth on this phone for me is a little frustrating. When I pair, it will be done and I can't exit the pairing screen, it will keep displaying "pairing cancelled" when I attempted to leave, so I have to restart the phone.

Secondly upon restarting it is successfully paired, BUT it claims that sound has been transferred to the headset. When in a call, sound is not transferred and I don't hear squat out of the headset and only the phone itself, even when it displays "headset" selected.

Is this a common bluetooth problem or just my headset or entire system? I can't even leave the pairing screen without having to restart the whole phone.

If someone could walk me through this or offer me solutions or suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it because Bluetooth is a must for me during my activities.


phyneex 2010-01-17 07:04

Re: Bluetooth problem w/ Jawbone Prime
Hey there my friend!

It's a bit weird indeed. One of the problems could be that you haven't set the phone to "trust" the jawbone bluetooth headset.

Go in the bluetooth menu, devices, highlight jawbone, edit and the click on trusted device. Also, you should see that in device type, it should say audio/video. If not, imo, it has to be the headset...

Hope this helps!

EvoXLover 2010-01-17 08:06

Re: Bluetooth problem w/ Jawbone Prime
I have set it to trusted and I'm still receiving this problem.

As for the pairing does it normally stall at that screen? I want to try to repair everything and start from scratched but I'm afraid of being stuck there gain which is a big hassle.

phyneex 2010-01-17 08:16

Re: Bluetooth problem w/ Jawbone Prime
If you have successfully paired with it, you don't have to pair it again everytime... also if you are ever stuck, press on the power button once, itll show you a menu and most of the time, you can click on end current task!

EvoXLover 2010-01-17 08:20

Re: Bluetooth problem w/ Jawbone Prime
Oh wow lol. I don't recall seeing that. I would just power it off from that button. That was the only thing that was really responding.

phyneex 2010-01-17 08:25

Re: Bluetooth problem w/ Jawbone Prime

Originally Posted by EvoXLover (Post 477627)
Oh wow lol. I don't recall seeing that. I would just power it off from that button. That was the only thing that was really responding.

I'm glad I could help on that part =)

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