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spinnukur 2010-01-17 07:44

Business Card Capture
Don't know if it's even feasible on the N900.

Snap a picture of a business card and automatically all the information is compiled into a new contact within your address or contact's book.

Had a similar program on my E90 and I know it also exists on other phones [OS's] as well. Take a pic, window pop's up that allows you to make sure the showing information is correct, edit it if need be, then hit the save button.

Anyway just a thought as I haven't seen any posts about doing this on the forums.

Wiener 2010-01-17 08:10

Re: Business Card Capture
Hmmm .... yes, had it as well on my WinMo device.
Am now missing it!

Thats some kind I would even pay for ....

arkanoid 2010-01-17 09:34

Re: Business Card Capture
See OCR/BCR thread here, there is even a brainstorm for that.

itpastorn 2010-01-17 10:28

Re: Business Card Capture
Of course the ultimate camera app to have would be Google Goggles...

RipTorn 2010-01-17 10:35

Re: Business Card Capture
Yeah it would be pretty cool, would need a OCR engine and there are a few opensource options like GOCR, tesseract-ocr and ocrad.
Tesseract-ocr apparently has the most accurate results but it seems to have Java stuff in it. That said they all do compile in scratch box. I just don't know how to use them or get them to work with anything other than their native image formats.

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