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jvtc10 2010-01-17 17:28

I live in brasil and i cant put the right (gmt)
in brasil the gmt is -3, but the maximun i could find was -3,-30 on my n900
any idea to help me?
thank you

jaguilar 2010-01-17 18:08

Re: I live in brasil and i cant put the right (gmt)

Originally Posted by jvtc10 (Post 478362)
in brasil the gmt is -3, but the maximun i could find was -3,-30 on my n900
any idea to help me?
thank you

Tap the clock in the desktop, tap "clock & alarms", tap the hour that appear in the upper of the screen (not in the "world clocks" in the bottom right), tap "timezone" and search for your city.

Or, for a more simple solution, set the device to update automatically.

All times are GMT. The time now is 20:21.

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