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ethoms 2010-01-18 09:59

Email - IMAP shared folders
I'm really happy with Nokia 900, Maemo is awsome. Go LInux! Go FOSS!

However, in the email app, I can't access my servers public shared folder. I use IMAPv4 (Sun Java Messaging Server, built on pure IMAP server based on code from University of Washington IMAP). I can see the folder "Shared Folder" but no underlying folders. I can access these perfectly from the iPhone. Disappointing it't not as good in this area. Aside from shared folder access it works so far.

Also, I doesn't seem to let you choose IMAP folder subscriptions.

torpedo48 2010-01-18 10:20

Re: Email - IMAP shared folders
Hi ethoms, and welcome. I've had a look on regarding your problem, this is what I've found:


Is that your problem? Maybe you can vote for that bug and be helped/help finding a solution.

Also see this IMAP related problems, maybe you can find them interesting and vote for them:


Hope this helps, if you have difficulties in using Bugzilla, feel free to ask.

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