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entwisi 2010-01-18 11:10

Spotted, other N900 users....
Was stood buying my carrots and onions on Saturday in Blackburn Market and bloke stood next to me pulls out his N900. Other than geek mate at work it was the first N900 I'd seen in 'the wild'

so, who else has spotted N900 users that they didn't know out and about.

stobbsc 2010-01-18 11:14

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I still haven't seen anyone(not counting people I already know) pull out the beast to be honest.

Cartoon_Head 2010-01-18 11:19

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I saw someone on the tube on my way back from work (Bakerloo line) sitting there playing with his n900, i should have chalenged him to a game of open arena!


AlexDT 2010-01-18 12:00

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I have never ever ever ever seen another N900 in my entire life.

jjx 2010-01-18 12:06

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I saw a small, obscure-looking N900 poster in 1 of the 3 Vodafone shops in my town centre last Saturday They didn't have any on display though. The other 2 shops didn't even have the poster.

Each shop did have 3-4 giant window-sized iPhone 3GS cardboard stand-ups.

Haven't seen another real N900 yet.

ruskie 2010-01-18 12:09

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Hmm nothing seen yet but then I don't go out all that much.

DarkPand0r 2010-01-18 12:10

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
I was in a queue at the cinema the other day, I pulled out my N900 to answer a text and heard a guy in the queue say to his mate "thats the new N900, that phone is epic!"

But no, Haven't seen any yet :(

pisthpeeps 2010-01-18 12:10

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Not seen anybody with n900 in Bracknell, Uxbridge vicinity in UK . :-)

OVK 2010-01-18 12:13

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
A friend of mine has a N900. I have seen that one in many places.

tissot 2010-01-18 12:18

Re: Spotted, other N900 users....
Just today saw one. Seen about 5-8 in 4 weeks.

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