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F2thaK 2010-01-19 12:44

Glitch / bug causes phone to be stuck in portrait mode
2 Attachment(s)
My N900 Has Gone Into Portrait Mode Again!!

status menu works great, conversations needs work!

adancau 2010-01-19 14:51

Re: My N900 Has Gone Into Portrait Mode Again
how did it happen? :)
it looks good though, apparently progress is being made.. hopefully for across the platform or at least some of the apps that make sense in portrait mode..

jaxxstorm 2010-01-19 14:52

Re: My N900 Has Gone Into Portrait Mode Again
we need to figure out how you do this!

Conversations wouldn't be so hard to tweak, its only some css I think

F2thaK 2010-01-19 14:55

Re: My N900 Has Gone Into Portrait Mode Again

Originally Posted by jaxxstorm (Post 482050)
we need to figure out how you do this!

Conversations wouldn't be so hard to tweak, its only some css I think

this happened and didnt have opportunity to film or take more screenshots....

the items is status bar scrolled fine as not all would show

i think if i zoomed out in conversations screen text would have fit..
pressing - and + keys zooms text in conversations!

mele 2010-01-19 14:56

Re: My N900 Has Gone Into Portrait Mode Again
mine goes usually when i talk on the phone and call app goes portrait and then i do something too fast.

titi974 2010-01-19 15:02

Re: My N900 Has Gone Into Portrait Mode Again
it's easy to do it ;) install braek from extras-devel repository, but you should know that i is unsafe for you lol !!!

so once braek is installed, run it, then go into your phone app. If you want the bug to work, you'll need to configure the phone app to run in portrait mode and not in auto rotate screen ;)
so while still having the braek on your screen ( i mean the false broken screen ) run phone app and then just hit the button to go to dashboard and...


kris 2010-01-19 15:03

Re: My N900 Has Gone Into Portrait Mode Again
also pygtkeditor (3.0.2-3) goes to portrait mode

Bec 2010-01-19 16:07

Re: My N900 Has Gone Into Portrait Mode Again
Wonder why we have to wait so much (maemo6) for portrait?
It seems so close, only the desktop needs more tinkering with.

Scharel 2010-01-19 16:14

Re: My N900 Has Gone Into Portrait Mode Again
Just for those who don't know yet, with the last firmware update, the browser is available in portrait mode, you just have to push ctrl+shift+o once and then the browser goes to portrait mode automaticaly when you turn the device.
You can switch it off by pushing the same key's again

SubCore 2010-01-19 16:21

Re: My N900 Has Gone Into Portrait Mode Again
this happened to me once, after playing "color code" (mastermind clone). i wasn't able to get it back to landscape, rendering the device near useless until a reboot :)

maybe you can reproduce it using this game, i can't test it right now.

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