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F2thaK 2010-01-19 15:17

[Status Icon] Wifi / WLAN -- Want To Modify
I want to modify wifi/wlan status icon, anyone know which ones there are?? thanks

Matan 2010-01-19 15:23

Re: [Status Icon] Wifi / WLAN -- Want To Modify
Perhaps this will help:


N900:~# gconftool-2 -R /system/osso/connectivity/network_type/WLAN_INFRA
 icon_name = general_wlan
 icon_name_signal_0 = statusarea_internetconnection_no
 icon_name_signal_1 = connectivity_wlan_signal_fair
 icon_name_signal_2 = connectivity_wlan_signal_fair
 icon_name_signal_3 = connectivity_wlan_signal_good
 icon_name_signal_4 = general_wlan
 name = conn_mngr_fi_type_wlan
 network_modules = [,,,]
 gettext_catalog = osso-connectivity-ui
 statusbar_icon_name = general_wlan
 statusbar_dimmed_icon_name = statusarea_internetconnection_no

F2thaK 2010-01-19 15:27

Re: [Status Icon] Wifi / WLAN -- Want To Modify
3 Attachment(s)
sorry, that doesnt help me much... searching for the files using mc

actually this did help, but the file search in mc is useless...

for anyone else,

contains: general_wlan, statusarea_internetconnection_no

which are the small wlan status icons as shown below

(i have changed mine to black- see photo):D
next is alarm and usb icons

F2thaK 2010-01-19 16:15

Re: [Status Icon] Wifi / WLAN -- Want To Modify
2 Attachment(s)
changed bluetooth, wlan, usb, alarm and packet data to black icons

customised bluetooth icon also

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